Reducing the number of allocations in a function

Hello, I have this function. When running benchmark, I get 519 allocations. Does anyone know how I can reduce those?

Thank you!

using LinearAlgebra

struct Settings 
    d_tether::Float64                               # tether diameter                  [mm]
    rho_tether::Float64                             # density of Dyneema            [kg/mΒ³]

function objFun(stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings)

    # settings follows same syntax as Settings3 in Tether_09.jl
    g  = abs(settings.g_earth[3])  # in this function, g is considered a scalar 

    Ns = size(windVel, 2)           # number of masses - windVel is a 3xNs matrix
    Ls = tetherLength/(Ns+1)        # segment length
    mj = settings.rho_tether*Ls     # segment mass

    p = kitePos                     # input kite position
    v = kiteVel                     # input kite velocity

    # Extract states
    theta   = stateVec[1]
    phi     = stateVec[2]
    Tn      = stateVec[3]

    # Compute omega_t
    omega_t = cross(p/(norm(p)^2),v);

    # Tether cross section
    A = pi/4*(settings.d_tether/1000)^2 # [m2] 
    # Compute Young's modulus    
    E = settings.c_spring/A

    FT = zeros(3,Ns) # Tension forces
    Fd = zeros(3,Ns) # Drag forces
    pj = zeros(3,Ns) # Mass positions
    vj = zeros(3,Ns) # Mass velocities
    aj = zeros(3,Ns) # Mass accellerations

    # First element from ground station (Ns)
    FT[:,Ns] = Tn.*[sin(theta)* cos(phi); sin(phi); cos(theta)*cos(phi)]
    pj[:,Ns] = Ls.*[sin(theta)* cos(phi); sin(phi); cos(theta)*cos(phi)]
    vj[:,Ns] = dot(v,p/norm(p)) .* (p/norm(p)) + cross(omega_t,pj[:,Ns])
    aj[:,Ns] = cross(omega_t,cross(omega_t,pj[:,Ns]))

    # Drag calculation first element
    v_a_p = vj[:,Ns] - windVel[:,Ns]
    if all(abs.(v_a_p) .< 1e-3)
        Fd[:,Ns] = [0;0;0]
        v_a_p_t = (dot((pj[:,Ns])/norm(pj[:,Ns]),v_a_p)*
        v_a_p_n = v_a_p - v_a_p_t
        Fd[:,Ns] = (-0.5 * settings.rho * Ls * settings.d_tether * settings.cd_tether * 
            norm(v_a_p_n) * v_a_p_n )# particle drag

    # All other segments and masses except for segment connected to the kite
    for ii = Ns:-1:2
        if ii == Ns
            FT[:,ii-1] = (mj+0.5*mj)*aj[:,ii] + FT[:,ii] - Fd[:,ii] + [0;0;(mj+0.5*mj)*g]
            FT[:,ii-1] = mj*aj[:,ii] + FT[:,ii] - Fd[:,ii] + [0;0;mj*g]

        l_i_1 = (norm(FT[:,ii-1])/(E*A) + 1)*Ls
        pj[:,ii-1] = pj[:,ii] + l_i_1.*(FT[:,ii-1]/norm(FT[:,ii-1]))       
        vj[:,ii-1] = dot(v,p./norm(p)) * (p./norm(p)) + cross(omega_t,pj[:,ii-1])
        aj[:,ii-1] = cross(omega_t,cross(omega_t,pj[:,ii-1]))
        # Drag calculation
        v_a_p = vj[:,ii] - windVel[:,ii]
        if all(abs.(v_a_p) .< 1e-3)
            Fd[:,ii-1] = [0;0;0]
            v_a_p_t = (dot((pj[:,ii-1]-pj[:,ii])/norm(pj[:,ii-1]-pj[:,ii]),v_a_p) * 
            v_a_p_n = v_a_p - v_a_p_t;
            Fd[:,ii-1] = -0.5 * settings.rho * Ls * settings.d_tether * settings.cd_tether * norm(v_a_p_n) * v_a_p_n # particle drag

    T0 = (mj+0.5*mj).*aj[:,1] + FT[:,1] - Fd[:,1] + [0;0;(mj+0.5*mj)*g];
    l_i_1 = (norm(T0)/(E*A) + 1)*Ls;
    p0 = pj[:,1] + l_i_1.*(T0/norm(T0));
    Fobj = p-p0;      

    return Fobj, T0, pj, p0

Can you also share the code to create the required input parameters?

It would be good to share an executable piece of code that we can execute that shows the number of allocations.

You can use this set of parameters to run the function

struct Settings 

stateVec = rand(3,)
kitePos = [100, 100, 300]
kiteVel = [0, 0, 0]
windVel = rand(3,15)
tetherLength = 500
settings = Settings(1.225, [0, 0, -9.806], 0.9, 4, 0.85, 500000)

objFun(stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings)
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I tried your example, and this is what I get:

julia> @benchmark objFun(stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings)
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 1 evaluation per sample.
 Range (min … max):  10.420 ΞΌs …   8.663 ms  β”Š GC (min … max):  0.00% … 99.29%
 Time  (median):     12.153 ΞΌs               β”Š GC (median):     0.00%
 Time  (mean Β± Οƒ):   21.091 ΞΌs Β± 152.445 ΞΌs  β”Š GC (mean Β± Οƒ):  16.69% Β±  2.42%

  β–‚β–…β–‡β–ˆβ–‡β–…β–‚                                 ▁▂▂▃▃▄▄▄▄▄▃▃▂▁▁▁     β–‚
  β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‡β–ˆβ–‡β–ˆβ–ˆβ–†β–†β–†β–…β–…β–†β–†β–…β–†β–„β–ƒβ–β–β–„β–„β–„β–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–ƒβ–β–β–ƒβ–„β–…β–ˆβ–‡β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‡ β–ˆ
  10.4 ΞΌs       Histogram: log(frequency) by time      36.4 ΞΌs <

 Memory estimate: 56.09 KiB, allocs estimate: 1414.

Your function makes allocations because it creates a lot of arrays, there’s no way around that. 512 doesn’t seem like a big number based on a quick eyeballing.

You can change the ones that are inherently 3D into StaticArrays, but you will still have arrays of StaticArrays, so allocations will happen.

I get 1414 allocations with Julia 11, but I think the original poster uses Julia 1.10 and there the number of allocations should be half of it if I remember correctly.

Nevertheless the goal should be to bring down the allocations to zero. I see two options:

  • using StaticArrays
  • passing a pre-allocated structure or array for the temporary results to the function

I see another possible approach, though the codebase is a little too big to be certain without a closer look:

Don’t create arrays at all. Instead, just create the last, Nsth, values, and then iteratively update the values, while iterating over ii from Ns and down to 1. I think (without looking closely) that you don’t need to keep the values from the previous iteration.

Additionally, instead of using vectors of length 3, use SVector{3, Float64}.

This requires some re-thinking and a full re-write of your code (including updating your struct), but If you do, I think you could get close to zero allocations.


You also have some other issues, such as doing the same calculation over and over, e.g. doing norm(p) several times on the same p vector, or this one:

v_a_p_t = (dot((pj[:,ii-1]-pj[:,ii])/norm(pj[:,ii-1]-pj[:,ii]),v_a_p) * 

You are calculating pj[:,ii-1]-pj[:,ii] no less than four times, and taking the same norm twice, in a single expression. This is both computationally wasteful, and also adds to your allocations without any good reason.

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Here’s some more:

dot(v,p./norm(p)) * (p./norm(p))

This expression performs 12 multiplications, 6 additions, 6 divisions and 2 square roots as well as 3 vector allocations, while the below one gives the same result:

(dot(v, p) / sum(abs2, p)) * p

but only uses 9 multiplications, 4 additions, 1 division, and zero square roots, and a single allocation. If you use StaticArrays, there will be zero allocations.

And if you look at the full expression in your code:

(dot((pj[:,ii-1]-pj[:,ii])/norm(pj[:,ii-1]-pj[:,ii]),v_a_p) * 

it does 12 multiplications, 18 additions, 6 divisions and 2 square roots and 15 vector allocations. And there is also the cost of memory lookup with the indexing.

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I asked to reduce the number of allocations and got this result:

function objFun(stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings)
    g = abs(settings.g_earth[3])
    Ns = size(windVel, 2)
    Ls = tetherLength / (Ns + 1)
    mj = settings.rho_tether * Ls
    drag_coeff = -0.5 * settings.rho * Ls * settings.d_tether * settings.cd_tether
    A = Ο€/4 * (settings.d_tether/1000)^2
    E = settings.c_spring / A

    # Preallocate arrays
    FT = zeros(3, Ns)
    Fd = zeros(3, Ns)
    pj = zeros(3, Ns)
    vj = zeros(3, Ns)
    aj = zeros(3, Ns)

    # Unpack state variables
    ΞΈ, Ο†, Tn = stateVec[1], stateVec[2], stateVec[3]

    # Precompute common values
    sinΞΈ = sin(ΞΈ)
    cosΞΈ = cos(ΞΈ)
    sinφ = sin(φ)
    cosφ = cos(φ)
    norm_p = norm(kitePos)
    p_unit = kitePos ./ norm_p
    v_parallel = dot(kiteVel, p_unit)
    # First element calculations
    FT[1, Ns] = Tn * sinθ * cosφ
    FT[2, Ns] = Tn * sinφ
    FT[3, Ns] = Tn * cosθ * cosφ

    pj[1, Ns] = Ls * sinθ * cosφ
    pj[2, Ns] = Ls * sinφ
    pj[3, Ns] = Ls * cosθ * cosφ

    # Velocity and acceleration calculations
    Ο‰ = cross(kitePos / norm_p^2, kiteVel)
    @inbounds for k in 1:3
        vj[k, Ns] = v_parallel * p_unit[k] + cross(Ο‰, @view(pj[:, Ns]))[k]
        aj[k, Ns] = cross(Ο‰, cross(Ο‰, @view(pj[:, Ns])))[k]

    # Drag calculation for first element
    v_a_p1 = vj[1, Ns] - windVel[1, Ns]
    v_a_p2 = vj[2, Ns] - windVel[2, Ns]
    v_a_p3 = vj[3, Ns] - windVel[3, Ns]

    if all(x -> abs(x) < 1e-3, (v_a_p1, v_a_p2, v_a_p3))
        Fd[:, Ns] .= 0.0
        dir1, dir2, dir3 = pj[1, Ns]/Ls, pj[2, Ns]/Ls, pj[3, Ns]/Ls
        v_dot_dir = v_a_p1*dir1 + v_a_p2*dir2 + v_a_p3*dir3
        v_a_p_t1 = v_dot_dir * dir1
        v_a_p_t2 = v_dot_dir * dir2
        v_a_p_t3 = v_dot_dir * dir3

        v_a_p_n1 = v_a_p1 - v_a_p_t1
        v_a_p_n2 = v_a_p2 - v_a_p_t2
        v_a_p_n3 = v_a_p3 - v_a_p_t3

        norm_v_a_p_n = sqrt(v_a_p_n1^2 + v_a_p_n2^2 + v_a_p_n3^2)
        coeff = drag_coeff * norm_v_a_p_n

        Fd[1, Ns] = coeff * v_a_p_n1
        Fd[2, Ns] = coeff * v_a_p_n2
        Fd[3, Ns] = coeff * v_a_p_n3

    # Process other segments
    @inbounds for ii in Ns:-1:2
        # Tension force calculations
        if ii == Ns
            mj_total = 1.5mj
            g_term = mj_total * g
            mj_total = mj
            g_term = mj * g

        @views for k in 1:3
            FT[k, ii-1] = mj_total * aj[k, ii] + FT[k, ii] - Fd[k, ii]
        FT[3, ii-1] += g_term

        # Position calculations
        ft_norm = sqrt(FT[1, ii-1]^2 + FT[2, ii-1]^2 + FT[3, ii-1]^2)
        l_i_1 = (ft_norm/(E*A) + 1) * Ls
        ft_dir = FT[1, ii-1]/ft_norm, FT[2, ii-1]/ft_norm, FT[3, ii-1]/ft_norm

        pj[1, ii-1] = pj[1, ii] + l_i_1 * ft_dir[1]
        pj[2, ii-1] = pj[2, ii] + l_i_1 * ft_dir[2]
        pj[3, ii-1] = pj[3, ii] + l_i_1 * ft_dir[3]

        # Velocity and acceleration
        for k in 1:3
            vj[k, ii-1] = v_parallel * p_unit[k] + cross(Ο‰, @view(pj[:, ii-1]))[k]
            aj[k, ii-1] = cross(Ο‰, cross(Ο‰, @view(pj[:, ii-1])))[k]

        # Drag calculations
        v_a_p1 = vj[1, ii] - windVel[1, ii]
        v_a_p2 = vj[2, ii] - windVel[2, ii]
        v_a_p3 = vj[3, ii] - windVel[3, ii]

        if all(x -> abs(x) < 1e-3, (v_a_p1, v_a_p2, v_a_p3))
            Fd[:, ii-1] .= 0.0
            dx = pj[1, ii-1] - pj[1, ii]
            dy = pj[2, ii-1] - pj[2, ii]
            dz = pj[3, ii-1] - pj[3, ii]
            segment_norm = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2)
            dir1 = dx/segment_norm
            dir2 = dy/segment_norm
            dir3 = dz/segment_norm

            v_dot_dir = v_a_p1*dir1 + v_a_p2*dir2 + v_a_p3*dir3
            v_a_p_t1 = v_dot_dir * dir1
            v_a_p_t2 = v_dot_dir * dir2
            v_a_p_t3 = v_dot_dir * dir3

            v_a_p_n1 = v_a_p1 - v_a_p_t1
            v_a_p_n2 = v_a_p2 - v_a_p_t2
            v_a_p_n3 = v_a_p3 - v_a_p_t3

            norm_v_a_p_n = sqrt(v_a_p_n1^2 + v_a_p_n2^2 + v_a_p_n3^2)
            coeff = drag_coeff * norm_v_a_p_n

            Fd[1, ii-1] = coeff * v_a_p_n1
            Fd[2, ii-1] = coeff * v_a_p_n2
            Fd[3, ii-1] = coeff * v_a_p_n3

    # Final ground connection calculations
    T0_1 = 1.5mj*aj[1,1] + FT[1,1] - Fd[1,1]
    T0_2 = 1.5mj*aj[2,1] + FT[2,1] - Fd[2,1]
    T0_3 = 1.5mj*aj[3,1] + FT[3,1] - Fd[3,1] + 1.5mj*g
    T0_norm = sqrt(T0_1^2 + T0_2^2 + T0_3^2)
    l_i_1 = (T0_norm/(E*A) + 1) * Ls
    T0_dir1 = T0_1/T0_norm
    T0_dir2 = T0_2/T0_norm
    T0_dir3 = T0_3/T0_norm

    p0 = [pj[1,1] + l_i_1*T0_dir1, 
          pj[2,1] + l_i_1*T0_dir2,
          pj[3,1] + l_i_1*T0_dir3]

    Fobj = kitePos - p0

    return Fobj, SVector(T0_1, T0_2, T0_3), pj, p0

Old: 0.000036 seconds (1.41 k allocations: 56.094 KiB)
New: 0.000012 seconds (291 allocations: 13.188 KiB)

julia> @benchmark objFun(stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings)
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 9 evaluations per sample.
 Range (min … max):  2.603 ΞΌs …  1.103 ms  β”Š GC (min … max):  0.00% … 99.35%
 Time  (median):     2.909 ΞΌs              β”Š GC (median):     0.00%
 Time  (mean Β± Οƒ):   4.552 ΞΌs Β± 25.185 ΞΌs  β”Š GC (mean Β± Οƒ):  18.26% Β±  3.82%

  β–‚β–…β–ˆβ–ˆβ–†β–„β–ƒβ–ƒβ–β–β–                                     ▂▃▄▄▄▃▂▂▁  β–‚
  β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‡β–‡β–‡β–†β–†β–†β–„β–†β–…β–†β–ƒβ–…β–„β–„β–ƒβ–…β–…β–β–„β–ƒβ–„β–„β–ƒβ–β–ƒβ–β–β–β–β–β–β–β–„β–„β–‡β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆ
  2.6 ΞΌs       Histogram: log(frequency) by time     7.53 ΞΌs <

 Memory estimate: 13.19 KiB, allocs estimate: 291.

Not bad, but can probably still be improved.

I put some manual effort into this code and could reduce the number of allocations to two:

using LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays, BenchmarkTools

const MVec3 = MVector{3, Float64}

struct Settings 
    g_earth::MVector{3, Float64}
    d_tether::Float64                               # tether diameter                  [mm]
    rho_tether::Float64                             # density of Dyneema            [kg/mΒ³]

function objFun!(res, stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings, buffers)
    g = abs(settings.g_earth[3])
    Ns = size(windVel, 2)
    Ls = tetherLength / (Ns + 1)
    mj = settings.rho_tether * Ls
    drag_coeff = -0.5 * settings.rho * Ls * settings.d_tether * settings.cd_tether
    A = Ο€/4 * (settings.d_tether/1000)^2
    E = settings.c_spring / A

    # Preallocate arrays
    FT = buffers[1]
    Fd = buffers[2]
    pj = buffers[3]
    vj = buffers[4]
    aj = buffers[5]

    # Unpack state variables
    ΞΈ, Ο†, Tn = stateVec[1], stateVec[2], stateVec[3]

    # Precompute common values
    sinΞΈ = sin(ΞΈ)
    cosΞΈ = cos(ΞΈ)
    sinφ = sin(φ)
    cosφ = cos(φ)
    norm_p = norm(kitePos)
    p_unit = kitePos ./ norm_p
    v_parallel = dot(kiteVel, p_unit)
    # First element calculations
    FT[1, Ns] = Tn * sinθ * cosφ
    FT[2, Ns] = Tn * sinφ
    FT[3, Ns] = Tn * cosθ * cosφ

    pj[1, Ns] = Ls * sinθ * cosφ
    pj[2, Ns] = Ls * sinφ
    pj[3, Ns] = Ls * cosθ * cosφ

    # Velocity and acceleration calculations
    Ο‰ = cross(kitePos / norm_p^2, kiteVel) # 3 alloc
    a = cross(Ο‰, MVec3(@view(pj[:, Ns])))         # 3 alloc
    b = cross(Ο‰, cross(Ο‰, MVec3(@view(pj[:, Ns]))))
    vj[:, Ns] .= v_parallel * p_unit + a
    aj[:, Ns] .= b

    # Drag calculation for first element
    v_a_p1 = vj[1, Ns] - windVel[1, Ns]
    v_a_p2 = vj[2, Ns] - windVel[2, Ns]
    v_a_p3 = vj[3, Ns] - windVel[3, Ns]

    if all(x -> abs(x) < 1e-3, (v_a_p1, v_a_p2, v_a_p3))
        Fd[:, Ns] .= 0.0
        dir1, dir2, dir3 = pj[1, Ns]/Ls, pj[2, Ns]/Ls, pj[3, Ns]/Ls
        v_dot_dir = v_a_p1*dir1 + v_a_p2*dir2 + v_a_p3*dir3
        v_a_p_t1 = v_dot_dir * dir1
        v_a_p_t2 = v_dot_dir * dir2
        v_a_p_t3 = v_dot_dir * dir3

        v_a_p_n1 = v_a_p1 - v_a_p_t1
        v_a_p_n2 = v_a_p2 - v_a_p_t2
        v_a_p_n3 = v_a_p3 - v_a_p_t3

        norm_v_a_p_n = sqrt(v_a_p_n1^2 + v_a_p_n2^2 + v_a_p_n3^2)
        coeff = drag_coeff * norm_v_a_p_n

        Fd[1, Ns] = coeff * v_a_p_n1
        Fd[2, Ns] = coeff * v_a_p_n2
        Fd[3, Ns] = coeff * v_a_p_n3

    # Process other segments
    @inbounds for ii in Ns:-1:2
        # Tension force calculations
        if ii == Ns
            mj_total = 1.5mj
            g_term = mj_total * g
            mj_total = mj
            g_term = mj * g

        for k in 1:3
            FT[k, ii-1] = mj_total * aj[k, ii] + FT[k, ii] - Fd[k, ii]
        FT[3, ii-1] += g_term

        # Position calculations
        ft_norm = sqrt(FT[1, ii-1]^2 + FT[2, ii-1]^2 + FT[3, ii-1]^2)
        l_i_1 = (ft_norm/(E*A) + 1) * Ls
        ft_dir = FT[1, ii-1]/ft_norm, FT[2, ii-1]/ft_norm, FT[3, ii-1]/ft_norm

        pj[1, ii-1] = pj[1, ii] + l_i_1 * ft_dir[1]
        pj[2, ii-1] = pj[2, ii] + l_i_1 * ft_dir[2]
        pj[3, ii-1] = pj[3, ii] + l_i_1 * ft_dir[3]

        # Velocity and acceleration
        a = cross(Ο‰, MVec3(@view(pj[:, ii-1])))           # 28 allocations
        b = cross(Ο‰, cross(Ο‰, MVec3(@view(pj[:, ii-1])))) # 28 allocations
        vj[:, ii-1] .= v_parallel * p_unit + a
        aj[:, ii-1] .= b

        # Drag calculations
        v_a_p1 = vj[1, ii] - windVel[1, ii]
        v_a_p2 = vj[2, ii] - windVel[2, ii]
        v_a_p3 = vj[3, ii] - windVel[3, ii]

        if all(x -> abs(x) < 1e-3, (v_a_p1, v_a_p2, v_a_p3))
            Fd[:, ii-1] .= 0.0
            dx = pj[1, ii-1] - pj[1, ii]
            dy = pj[2, ii-1] - pj[2, ii]
            dz = pj[3, ii-1] - pj[3, ii]
            segment_norm = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2)
            dir1 = dx/segment_norm
            dir2 = dy/segment_norm
            dir3 = dz/segment_norm

            v_dot_dir = v_a_p1*dir1 + v_a_p2*dir2 + v_a_p3*dir3
            v_a_p_t1 = v_dot_dir * dir1
            v_a_p_t2 = v_dot_dir * dir2
            v_a_p_t3 = v_dot_dir * dir3

            v_a_p_n1 = v_a_p1 - v_a_p_t1
            v_a_p_n2 = v_a_p2 - v_a_p_t2
            v_a_p_n3 = v_a_p3 - v_a_p_t3

            norm_v_a_p_n = sqrt(v_a_p_n1^2 + v_a_p_n2^2 + v_a_p_n3^2)
            coeff = drag_coeff * norm_v_a_p_n

            Fd[1, ii-1] = coeff * v_a_p_n1
            Fd[2, ii-1] = coeff * v_a_p_n2
            Fd[3, ii-1] = coeff * v_a_p_n3

    # Final ground connection calculations
    T0_1 = 1.5mj*aj[1,1] + FT[1,1] - Fd[1,1]
    T0_2 = 1.5mj*aj[2,1] + FT[2,1] - Fd[2,1]
    T0_3 = 1.5mj*aj[3,1] + FT[3,1] - Fd[3,1] + 1.5mj*g
    T0_norm = sqrt(T0_1^2 + T0_2^2 + T0_3^2)
    l_i_1 = (T0_norm/(E*A) + 1) * Ls
    T0_dir1 = T0_1/T0_norm
    T0_dir2 = T0_2/T0_norm
    T0_dir3 = T0_3/T0_norm

    p0 = [pj[1,1] + l_i_1*T0_dir1, 
          pj[2,1] + l_i_1*T0_dir2,
          pj[3,1] + l_i_1*T0_dir3]

    res .= kitePos - p0

stateVec = MVector{3}(rand(3,))
kitePos = SVector{3}([100, 100, 300])
kiteVel = SVector{3}([0, 0, 0])
windVel = SMatrix{3, 15}(rand(3,15))
tetherLength = 500
settings = Settings(1.225, [0, 0, -9.806], 0.9, 4, 0.85, 500000)
Ns = size(windVel, 2)
buffers= [zeros(3, Ns), zeros(3, Ns), zeros(3, Ns), zeros(3, Ns), zeros(3, Ns)]
res = zeros(3)

objFun!(res, stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings, buffers)
@benchmark objFun!(res, stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings, buffers)

The code is now about 34 times faster than the original code:

julia> include("src/bench_qsm.jl")
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 186 evaluations per sample.
 Range (min … max):  552.016 ns …  33.646 ΞΌs  β”Š GC (min … max): 0.00% … 97.83%
 Time  (median):     556.575 ns               β”Š GC (median):    0.00%
 Time  (mean Β± Οƒ):   570.646 ns Β± 463.443 ns  β”Š GC (mean Β± Οƒ):  1.27% Β±  1.83%

  ▁ β–β–ˆβ–ˆβ–†β–…β–ƒβ–‚β–β–β–β–β– ▂▄▃▂▂▂▂▁▁▁▁▄▄▃▂▁▁▁▁▁ ▁▁     ▁                  β–‚
  β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‡β–ˆβ–‡β–†β–†β–‡β–†β–†β–†β–†β–†β–†β–†β–†β–…β–† β–ˆ
  552 ns        Histogram: log(frequency) by time        606 ns <

 Memory estimate: 80 bytes, allocs estimate: 2.

Open question: The code is looking now more verbose than needed:

    T0_1 = 1.5mj*aj[1,1] + FT[1,1] - Fd[1,1]
    T0_2 = 1.5mj*aj[2,1] + FT[2,1] - Fd[2,1]
    T0_3 = 1.5mj*aj[3,1] + FT[3,1] - Fd[3,1] + 1.5mj*g
    T0_norm = sqrt(T0_1^2 + T0_2^2 + T0_3^2)
    l_i_1 = (T0_norm/(E*A) + 1) * Ls
    T0_dir1 = T0_1/T0_norm
    T0_dir2 = T0_2/T0_norm
    T0_dir3 = T0_3/T0_norm

    p0 = [pj[1,1] + l_i_1*T0_dir1, 
          pj[2,1] + l_i_1*T0_dir2,
          pj[3,1] + l_i_1*T0_dir3]

How can I vectorize this again without adding memory allocations?

Here’s a version with zero allocations, that does not need any arrays:

using LinearAlgebra
using StaticArrays

struct Settings 
    g_earth::SVector{3, Float64}

function objFun_new(stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings)

    # settings follows same syntax as Settings3 in Tether_09.jl
    g  = abs(settings.g_earth[3])  # in this function, g is considered a scalar 

    Ns = length(windVel)           # number of masses - windVel is a 3xNs matrix
    Ls = tetherLength / (Ns+1)        # segment length
    mj = settings.rho_tether*Ls     # segment mass

    p = kitePos                     # input kite position
    p_unit = normalize(p)
    v = kiteVel                     # input kite velocity

    # Extract states
    theta   = stateVec[1]
    phi     = stateVec[2]
    Tn      = stateVec[3]

    # Compute omega_t
    omega_t = cross(p / sum(abs2, p), v);

    # Tether cross section
    A = pi/4*(settings.d_tether/1000)^2 # [m2] 
    # Compute Young's modulus    
    E = settings.c_spring/A

    # # First element from ground station (Ns)
    # TODO: a lot of repeated computation below
    FT = Tn .* SA[sin(theta)* cos(phi), sin(phi), cos(theta)*cos(phi)]
    pj = Ls .* SA[sin(theta)* cos(phi), sin(phi), cos(theta)*cos(phi)]
    pj_unit = normalize(pj)
    vj = dot(v, p_unit) * p_unit + cross(omega_t, pj)
    aj = cross(omega_t, cross(omega_t, pj))

    # Drag calculation first element
    v_a_p = vj - windVel[end]
    if all(abs.(v_a_p) .< 1e-3)
        Fd = SA[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        v_a_p_t = dot(pj_unit, v_a_p) * pj_unit
        v_a_p_n = v_a_p - v_a_p_t
        Fd = (-0.5 * settings.rho * Ls * settings.d_tether * settings.cd_tether * 
            norm(v_a_p_n) * v_a_p_n )# particle drag

    # All other segments and masses except for segment connected to the kite
    for ii = Ns:-1:2
        if ii == Ns
            FT = (mj+0.5*mj) * aj + FT - Fd + SA[0, 0, (mj+0.5*mj)*g]
            FT = mj*aj + FT - Fd + SA[0, 0, mj*g]

        FT_norm = norm(FT)
        l_i_1 = (FT_norm / (E*A) + 1) * Ls
        # Drag calculation
        v_a_p = vj - windVel[ii] # moving this up here

        Ξ”pj = (l_i_1/FT_norm) * FT
        pj += Ξ”pj
        vj = dot(v, p_unit) * p_unit + cross(omega_t, pj)
        aj = cross(omega_t, cross(omega_t, pj))
        if all(abs.(v_a_p) .< 1e-3)
            Fd = SA[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            v_a_p_t = (dot(Ξ”pj, v_a_p) / sum(abs2, Ξ”pj)) * Ξ”pj
            v_a_p_n = v_a_p - v_a_p_t;
            Fd = -0.5 * settings.rho * Ls * settings.d_tether * settings.cd_tether * norm(v_a_p_n) * v_a_p_n # particle drag

    T0 = (mj+0.5*mj) .* aj + FT - Fd + SA[0, 0, (mj+0.5*mj)*g]
    l_i_1 = (norm(T0)/(E*A) + 1) * Ls
    p0 = pj + l_i_1 .* (T0 / norm(T0))
    Fobj = p - p0

    return Fobj, T0, pj, p0
stateVec = rand(SVector{3, Float64})
kitePos = SA_F64[100, 100, 300]
kiteVel = SA_F64[0, 0, 0]
windVel = rand(SVector{3, Float64}, 15)
tetherLength = 500.0
settings = Settings(1.225, SA_F64[0, 0, -9.806], 0.9, 4, 0.85, 500000)

objFun(stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings)

Note that it only returns the final value of pj, not the entire set of 15 values.

Most of the time is spent running the norm function on SVectors, so I don’t think there is that much more performance to be found, unless one can avoid the square root (which I have in some places.)


Impressive work! I changed your code into a mutating function:

using LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays, BenchmarkTools

struct Settings 
    g_earth::SVector{3, Float64}

function objFun!(res, stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings)

    # settings follows same syntax as Settings3 in Tether_09.jl
    g  = abs(settings.g_earth[3])  # in this function, g is considered a scalar 

    Ns = length(windVel)           # number of masses - windVel is a 3xNs matrix
    Ls = tetherLength / (Ns+1)        # segment length
    mj = settings.rho_tether*Ls     # segment mass

    p = kitePos                     # input kite position
    p_unit = normalize(p)
    v = kiteVel                     # input kite velocity

    # Extract states
    theta   = stateVec[1]
    phi     = stateVec[2]
    Tn      = stateVec[3]

    # Compute omega_t
    omega_t = cross(p / sum(abs2, p), v);

    # Tether cross section
    A = pi/4*(settings.d_tether/1000)^2 # [m2] 
    # Compute Young's modulus    
    E = settings.c_spring/A

    # # First element from ground station (Ns)
    # TODO: a lot of repeated computation below
    FT = Tn .* SA[sin(theta)* cos(phi), sin(phi), cos(theta)*cos(phi)]
    pj = Ls .* SA[sin(theta)* cos(phi), sin(phi), cos(theta)*cos(phi)]
    pj_unit = normalize(pj)
    vj = dot(v, p_unit) * p_unit + cross(omega_t, pj)
    aj = cross(omega_t, cross(omega_t, pj))

    # Drag calculation first element
    v_a_p = vj - windVel[end]
    if all(abs.(v_a_p) .< 1e-3)
        Fd = SA[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        v_a_p_t = dot(pj_unit, v_a_p) * pj_unit
        v_a_p_n = v_a_p - v_a_p_t
        Fd = (-0.5 * settings.rho * Ls * settings.d_tether * settings.cd_tether * 
            norm(v_a_p_n) * v_a_p_n )# particle drag

    # All other segments and masses except for segment connected to the kite
    for ii = Ns:-1:2
        if ii == Ns
            FT = (mj+0.5*mj) * aj + FT - Fd + SA[0, 0, (mj+0.5*mj)*g]
            FT = mj*aj + FT - Fd + SA[0, 0, mj*g]

        FT_norm = norm(FT)
        l_i_1 = (FT_norm / (E*A) + 1) * Ls
        # Drag calculation
        v_a_p = vj - windVel[ii] # moving this up here

        Ξ”pj = (l_i_1/FT_norm) * FT
        pj += Ξ”pj
        vj = dot(v, p_unit) * p_unit + cross(omega_t, pj)
        aj = cross(omega_t, cross(omega_t, pj))
        if all(abs.(v_a_p) .< 1e-3)
            Fd = SA[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            v_a_p_t = (dot(Ξ”pj, v_a_p) / sum(abs2, Ξ”pj)) * Ξ”pj
            v_a_p_n = v_a_p - v_a_p_t;
            Fd = -0.5 * settings.rho * Ls * settings.d_tether * settings.cd_tether * norm(v_a_p_n) * v_a_p_n # particle drag

    T0 = (mj+0.5*mj) .* aj + FT - Fd + SA[0, 0, (mj+0.5*mj)*g]
    l_i_1 = (norm(T0)/(E*A) + 1) * Ls
    p0 = pj + l_i_1 .* (T0 / norm(T0))
    res .= p - p0

stateVec = rand(SVector{3, Float64})
kitePos = SA_F64[100, 100, 300]
kiteVel = SA_F64[0, 0, 0]
windVel = rand(SVector{3, Float64}, 15)
tetherLength = 500.0
settings = Settings(1.225, SA_F64[0, 0, -9.806], 0.9, 4, 0.85, 500000)
res = zeros(3)

objFun!(res, stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings)
@benchmark objFun!(res, stateVec, kitePos, kiteVel, windVel, tetherLength, settings)

This gives:

julia> include("src/bench_qsm2.jl")
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 194 evaluations per sample.
 Range (min … max):  443.706 ns … 561.804 ns  β”Š GC (min … max): 0.00% … 0.00%
 Time  (median):     446.443 ns               β”Š GC (median):    0.00%
 Time  (mean Β± Οƒ):   451.167 ns Β±  13.504 ns  β”Š GC (mean Β± Οƒ):  0.00% Β± 0.00%

  β–†β–†β–ˆβ–†β–„β–ƒβ–„β–„β–    ▂▂▃▃▁▁                                     ▁ β–‚β–ƒ  β–‚
  β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–…β–‡β–‡β–‡β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‡β–‡β–‡β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–‡β–†β–‡β–ƒβ–…β–…β–…β–†β–β–†β–†β–†β–ƒβ–†β–†β–β–†β–†β–ƒβ–†β–ƒβ–…β–†β–β–‡β–„β–…β–…β–…β–ˆβ–†β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ β–ˆ
  444 ns        Histogram: log(frequency) by time        502 ns <

 Memory estimate: 0 bytes, allocs estimate: 0.

Zero allocations! And 43 times faster than the original version.

And your code is much shorter and better readable than the AI generated version.

This function is a little bit faster, but not really worth it:

@inline @inbounds function norm(vec::SVector{3, Float64})