Reduce allocations for 3D Arrays

When I solve large scale ODEs (136 equations), I try to extract some common factor and calculate them before using them in the equations, however that will take me a 3D array, which will take me quite a lot of allocations. And the program do become 10 times faster with this way although there are more allocations. For my real program initially, there are 53 allocations with a run time of 10s, with this method, there are 70K allocations with a run time of 1s. And I am sure this allocation is from the 3D array, which can not be set to be static array, I am just wondering how to make this 3D array not cause allocation.
Here I just take 4 equations from my real program, but still can be run…
I have to add one point, I already know the size of the 3D array, which is (Len, 12, 4)

function Test3DMolasses(dy, y, p, t)
    para01, delta, s, Polar, a, b, c, Len, ft, ftc = p
    vx, vy, vz, rx, ry, rz, theta1, theta2 = para01

    # s1  s2 are sqrt(Ik/Isat)
    # sigma+ means the laser component polarization from the positive direction is +
    aplus = -1.0im * cis(theta1) * cos(k * rx + k * vx * t / Gamma) + cis(theta2) * sin(k * ry + k * vy * t / Gamma) + cos(k * rz + k * vz * t / Gamma) - 1.0im * sin(k * rz + k * vz * t / Gamma)
    bplus = sqrt(2.0) * cis(theta1) * sin(k * rx + k * vx * t / Gamma) + sqrt(2.0) * cis(theta2) * cos(k * ry + k * vy * t / Gamma)
    cplus = -1.0im * cis(theta1) * cos(k * rx + k * vx * t / Gamma) - cis(theta2) * sin(k * ry + k * vy * t / Gamma) - cos(k * rz + k * vz * t / Gamma) - 1.0im * sin(k * rz + k * vz * t / Gamma)  #Circularly��?1 0 -1 in epision��?-1 0 +1 in f_q
    # sigma- means the laser component polarization from the positive direction is +
    aminus = -1.0im * cis(theta1) * cos(k * rx + k * vx * t / Gamma) - cis(theta2) * sin(k * ry + k * vy * t / Gamma) + cos(k * rz + k * vz * t / Gamma) + 1.0im * sin(k * rz + k * vz * t / Gamma)
    bminus = -sqrt(2.0) * cis(theta1) * sin(k * rx + k * vx * t / Gamma) + sqrt(2.0) * cis(theta2) * cos(k * ry + k * vy * t / Gamma)
    cminus = -1.0im * cis(theta1) * cos(k * rx + k * vx * t / Gamma) + cis(theta2) * sin(k * ry + k * vy * t / Gamma) - cos(k * rz + k * vz * t / Gamma) + 1.0im * sin(k * rz + k * vz * t / Gamma)  #Circularly��?1 0 -1 in epision��?-1 0 +1 in f_q

    for ii = 1:Len
        if Polar[ii] == 1.0
            a[ii] = aplus
            b[ii] = bplus
            c[ii] = cplus
        elseif Polar[ii] == -1.0
            a[ii] = aminus
            b[ii] = bminus
            c[ii] = cminus

    # g g 1
    #dy .= 0.0
    fill!(dy, false)  # both are OK
    factor = 1.0im / 2.0sqrt(2.0)

#Pre-calculation of the common factors 
    @inbounds for jj = 1:Len
        for i = 1:12, j = 1:4
            if el[j] - gl[i] == -1
                ft[jj, i, j] = f[i, j] * a[jj] * cis((delta[jj, i] + ZB[j]) * t)
            elseif el[j] - gl[i] == 0
                ft[jj, i, j] = f[i, j] * b[jj] * cis((delta[jj, i] + ZB[j]) * t)
            elseif el[j] - gl[i] == 1
                ft[jj, i, j] = f[i, j] * c[jj] * cis((delta[jj, i] + ZB[j]) * t)

    ftc = conj(ft)

    @inbounds for jj = 1:Len
        dy[1] += -factor * s[jj] * (ft[jj, 1, 1] * conj(y[1]) + ft[jj, 1, 2] * conj(y[2]) + ft[jj, 1, 3] * conj(y[2]) - ftc[jj, 1, 1] * y[4] - ftc[jj, 1, 2] * y[1] - ftc[jj, 1, 3] * y[4])

        dy[2] += -factor * s[jj] * (ft[jj, 1, 1] * conj(y[2]) + ft[jj, 1, 2] * conj(y[1]) + ft[jj, 1, 3] * conj(y[4]) - ftc[jj, 2, 1] * y[1] - ftc[jj, 2, 2] * y[1] - ftc[jj, 2, 3] * y[4] - ftc[jj, 2, 4] * y[2])

        dy[3] += -factor * s[jj] * (ft[jj, 1, 1] * conj(y[3]) + ft[jj, 1, 2] * conj(y[4]) + ft[jj, 1, 3] * conj(y[1]) - ftc[jj, 3, 1] * y[2] - ftc[jj, 3, 3] * y[4] - ftc[jj, 3, 4] * y[2])

        dy[4] += -factor * s[jj] * (ft[jj, 1, 1] * conj(y[4]) + ft[jj, 1, 2] * conj(y[3]) + ft[jj, 1, 3] * conj(y[3]) - ftc[jj, 4, 1] * y[3] - ftc[jj, 4, 2] * y[2] - ftc[jj, 4, 3] * y[1] - ftc[jj, 4, 4] * y[2])

using DifferentialEquations, LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays
using Random, Statistics

# parameters defination
vx, vy, vz = rand(3)
rx, ry, rz = rand(3)
theta1, theta2 = 2pi * rand(2)
para01 = @SVector [vx, vy, vz, rx, ry, rz, theta1, theta2]

delta = 20rand(4, 12)
delta = SMatrix{4,12,Float64}(delta)

s = @SVector [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
Polar = @SVector [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0]

Len = length(Polar)
a = MVector{Len,ComplexF64}(complex(zeros(Len)))
b = similar(a)
c = similar(a)

# the 3D array defined here and will be transferred to ODEs
ft = complex(zeros(Len, 12, 4))

p = (para01, delta, s, Polar, a, b, c, Len,ft,ftc)

# initial value
II = zeros(4)
II[1] = 1.0
u0 = complex(II)

tend = 1e-5
tstart = 0
tspan = (tstart * Gamma, tend * Gamma)

prob = ODEProblem(Test3DMolasses, u0, tspan, p)
@time y = solve(prob, Tsit5(), save_everystep=false)  #20.92K allocations

Here is the Constants.jl

## Physical constants
const h = 6.626e-34
Mu = 1.660538e-27
Mn = 59
const Mm = Mu * Mn     
const lamda = 606.3e-9
const k = 2pi / lamda
const Gamma = 2pi * 8.3e6
const velfact = Gamma / k
ZXtemp = [0, 0, 0, 76.2939, 122.9512, 122.9512, 122.9512, 147.8177, 147.8177, 147.8177, 147.8177, 147.8177]   # importdata('X_ZeemanCaF.mat');    # 0:1:1000G
const ZX = round.((ZXtemp .- ZXtemp[1]) / 8.3, digits=2)   # unit Gamma  relative to the lowest level round to 0.01 Gamma
ZBtemp = [-5 * 2 * pi * 1e6, 0, 0, 0] / Gamma
const ZB = round.(ZBtemp, digits=2)        # round(ZB*100)/100;     # round to 0.01Gamma

#Fp  0           1            1        1
#    13          14          15       16
#mFp 0           1            0       -1
ftemp = [-0.1355 0.4649 -0.4645 0.0000    #  1  1  1
    -0.1355 0.4650 -0.0001 -0.4641    #  0  2  1
    -0.1354 -0.0000 0.4646 -0.4642    # -1  3  1
    -0.0020 -0.4705 0.4714 -0.4722    #  0  4  0
    0.5614 0.0000 -0.1853 0.1846     # -1  5  1
    -0.5612 0.1865 -0.0010 -0.1832    #  0  6  1
    -0.5610 0.1851 -0.1844 0.0000    #  1  7  1
    -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000 0.4083    # -2  8  2
    0.0009 -0.0000 0.2880 0.2894     # -1  9  2
    -0.0011 -0.1659 -0.3334 -0.1675    #  0  10 2
    -0.0009 -0.2880 -0.2894 0.0000    #  1  11 2
    0.0000 0.4083 0.0000 0.0000]   #  2  12 2

ftemp = [-0.1354 0.4646 0.4646 0
    0.1354 -0.4646 0 0.4646
    -0.1354 0 -0.4646 -0.4646
    0 0.4714 0.4714 0.4714
    0.5612 0 0.1849 0.1849
    -0.5612 0.1849 0 -0.1849
    0.5612 -0.1849 -0.1849 0
    0 0 0 0.4082
    0 0 0.2887 -0.2887
    0 0.1667 -0.3333 0.1667
    0 -0.2887 0.2887 0
    0 0.4082 0 0]   #  from Yang's method

for i = 1:4
    ftemp[:, i] = ftemp[:, i] ./ sqrt(sum(ftemp[:, i] .^ 2))

const f = ftemp
const r = ftemp   # the branching ratio

const gl = [1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 1, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
const el = [0, 1, 0, -1]

Maybe this line should be ftc .= conj(ft) instead. Or ideally, an in-place variant.

Did you try to use a profiler, e.g. Profiler · Julia in VS Code to check where most of the runtime is spent?

I think for the initial program because it has 136 equations and it needs to calculate the common part many times so that it has a long run time. But I didn’t, maybe I should. if you are interested see this link,

And with this ftc .= conj(ft) , it becomes a little better, but still with an allocation of 18.81K

Oh, I just noticed @. ftc = conj(ft) is even better. (Maybe still not the big fish :wink: )

Thanks anyway, any some improvement here will be big improvement in my real program

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I have go change my words, it’s much better now. It only has 53 allocations on my computer, what’s the mechanism, show me please~ thanks

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Nice! It is called “fusing of operations” and you can find a detailed explanation here: More Dots: Syntactic Loop Fusion in Julia

Essentially, the @. allows the compiler to perform computations componentwise, and by doing that, it can avoid the allocation of temporary objects.
When you write y .= conj(x) it will still compute first conj(x) and allocate a temporary array for it
, and then copy the data into y. With the @. y = conj(x) syntax, it does instead something similar to a for loop like

for i in eachindex(x)
  y[i] = conj(x[i])

which avoids unnecessary allocation.

You can also fuse multiple operations at once, e.g. @. y = a^x + b would work for vectors a,b,x

Thanks, I also try this in my real 136 equations, and the allocations are also 53, cool ~ cheers

This block of code contains many shared subexpressions. Compilers can sometimes eliminate the redundant calculations but it’s not a guarantee. If it didn’t, you could be computing the same sines and cosines over and over. Without having looked at the generated code, I can’t say whether it happened here. Since most of your other loops appear pretty okay at first glance, manually removing some of these redundant subexpressions may help make your code faster (or may not, if the compiler managed do it for you) – although this has nothing to do with allocations.
For example, compute sx,cx = sincos(k * (rx + vx * (t / Gamma))) and cisth1 = cis(theta1) and then replace the corresponding calls with these values. Likewise for other common values in this block.

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Thanks, I will try later