Reducing allocations in a stencil function

I’m writing a function that takes a matrix X and returns a matrix Y of the same dimensions such that Y[i, j] is the sum of the values in the eight cells surrounding X[i, j]. This function is the “number of neighbors” function from Conway’s Game of Life. I seem to recall that this kind of function is also used in image processing, where they call it a “stencil” function.

For the edge cases, I will use “torus topology,” i.e. you wrap indices around to the opposite end of the grid. For example, the cell immediately “above” X[1, 5] is X[end, 5].

I have written two implementations of this function:

  • neighborhood_density_loop(X) loops manually through all the indices in a way that tries to improve memory localization
  • neighborhood_density_offset(X) uses array slicing in a way that tries to lean on Julia’s optimized built-in array summation

In both cases, the code is pretty verbose because you have to manually code the edge and corner cases (see below). I prefer the neighborhood_density_offset implementation because the code is much more legible and self-explanatory. However, neighborhood_density_loop demonstrated much better performance in my benchmark:

VERSION = v"1.8.1"
[ Info: Test OK
neighborhood_density_loop  234.064 ns (1 allocation: 448 bytes)
neighborhood_density_offset  3.876 μs (41 allocations: 8.75 KiB)

Is it possible to improve the code of neighborhood_density_offset to reduce the number of allocations and achieve similar performance to the for loop? Following a common performance tip, I’ve used @view on all the right-hand array slices, but there is still a lot of allocation going on.

Here is my code:

using BenchmarkTools

Compute the neighborhood density for each cell using a for loop.
function neighborhood_density_loop(X::Matrix{T})::Matrix{Float64} where T<:Number
    m, n = size(X)
    Y = zeros(Float64, m, n)

    for j in 2:n-1
        # Inner part
        for i in 2:m-1
            Y[i, j] = begin
                X[i-1, j-1] + 
                X[i  , j-1] + 
                X[i+1, j-1] + 
                X[i-1, j  ] + 
                X[i+1, j  ] + 
                X[i-1, j+1] + 
                X[i  , j+1] + 
                X[i+1, j+1]

        # Top edge
        Y[1, j] = begin
            X[m, j-1] + 
            X[1, j-1] + 
            X[2, j-1] + 
            X[m, j  ] + 
            X[2, j  ] + 
            X[m, j+1] + 
            X[1, j+1] + 
            X[2, j+1]

        # Bottom edge
        Y[m, j] = begin
            X[m-1, j-1] + 
            X[m  , j-1] + 
            X[1  , j-1] + 
            X[m-1, j  ] + 
            X[1  , j  ] + 
            X[m-1, j+1] + 
            X[m  , j+1] + 
            X[1  , j+1]

    for i in 2:m-1
        # Left edge
        Y[i, 1] = begin
            X[i-1, n] + 
            X[i  , n] + 
            X[i+1, n] + 
            X[i-1, 1] + 
            X[i+1, 1] + 
            X[i-1, 2] + 
            X[i  , 2] + 
            X[i+1, 2]
        # Right edge
        Y[i, n] = begin
            X[i-1, n-1] + 
            X[i  , n-1] + 
            X[i+1, n-1] + 
            X[i-1, n  ] + 
            X[i+1, n  ] + 
            X[i-1, 1  ] + 
            X[i  , 1  ] + 
            X[i+1, 1  ]
    # Corners
    Y[1, 1] = begin
        X[m, n] + 
        X[1, n] + 
        X[2, n] + 
        X[m, 1] + 
        X[2, 1] + 
        X[m, 2] + 
        X[1, 2] + 
        X[2, 2]

    Y[1, n] = begin
        X[m, n-1] + 
        X[1, n-1] + 
        X[2, n-1] + 
        X[m, n  ] + 
        X[2, n  ] + 
        X[m, 1  ] + 
        X[1, 1  ] + 
        X[2, 1  ]

    Y[m, 1] = begin
        X[m-1, n] + 
        X[m  , n] + 
        X[1  , n] + 
        X[m-1, 1] + 
        X[1  , 1] + 
        X[m-1, 2] + 
        X[m  , 2] + 
        X[1  , 2]

    Y[m, n] = begin
        X[m-1, n-1] + 
        X[m  , n-1] + 
        X[1  , n-1] + 
        X[m-1, n] + 
        X[1  , n] + 
        X[m-1, 1] + 
        X[m  , 1] + 
        X[1  , 1]

    return Y

Compute the neighborhood density for each cell using offset array slices.
function neighborhood_density_offset(X::Matrix{T})::Matrix{Float64} where T<:Number
    m, n = size(X)
    Y = zeros(Float64, m, n)

    # Right neighbors
    Y[:, 1:n-1] += @view X[:, 2:n]
    # Left neighbors
    Y[:, 2:n] += @view X[:, 1:n-1]
    # Lower neighbors
    Y[1:m-1, :] += @view X[2:m, :]
    # Upper neighbors
    Y[2:m, :] += @view X[1:m-1, :]
    # Diagonal neighbors
    Y[1:m-1, 1:n-1] += @view X[2:m, 2:n]
    Y[1:m-1, 2:n] += @view X[2:m, 1:n-1]
    Y[2:m, 1:n-1] += @view X[1:m-1, 2:n]
    Y[2:m, 2:n] += @view X[1:m-1, 1:n-1]

    # Right, left neighbors of right and left edges
    Y[:, n] += @view X[:, 1]
    Y[:, 1] += @view X[:, n]
    # Lower, upper neighbors of bottom and top edges
    Y[m, :] += @view X[1, :]
    Y[1, :] += @view X[m, :]

    # Diagonal neighbors along right edge
    Y[1:m-1, n] += @view X[2:m, 1]
    Y[2:m, n] += @view X[1:m-1, 1]
    # Diagonal neighbors along left edge
    Y[1:m-1, 1] += @view X[2:m, n]
    Y[2:m, 1] += @view X[1:m-1, n]
    # Diagonal neighbors along bottom edge
    Y[m, 1:n-1] += @view X[1, 2:n]
    Y[m, 2:n] += @view X[1, 1:n-1]
    # Diagonal neighbors along top edge
    Y[1, 1:n-1] += @view X[m, 2:n]
    Y[1, 2:n] += @view X[m, 1:n-1]

    # Diagonals pointing outward from each corner
    Y[1, 1] += X[m, n]
    Y[1, n] += X[m, 1]
    Y[m, 1] += X[1, n]
    Y[m, n] += X[1, 1]

    return Y

function test(samples=500, m=6, n=8)
    for _ in 1:samples
        X = rand(m, n)
        @assert all(
            neighborhood_density_loop(X) .≈ neighborhood_density_offset(X)

    @info "Test OK"

function benchmark(m=6, n=8)
    @btime neighborhood_density_loop(X) setup=(X=rand($m, $n))
    @btime neighborhood_density_offset(X) setup=(X=rand($m, $n))

function main()
    @show VERSION



Nitpicky comments and general review are also welcome.

You want to use .+= instead of += when adding vectors.

1 Like

Use @views in front of the offset function. Or, at least in front of every line like

Y[m, 1:n-1] += @view X[1, 2:n]

because this line is equivalent to

Y[m, 1:n-1] = Y[m, 1:n-1] + @view X[1, 2:n]

meaning you’re slicing without a view.

Also, as Oscar said, use @. or just add .s manually.
That is, you want something like

@views Y[m, 1:n-1] .= Y[m, 1:n-1] .+ X[1, 2:n]
1 Like

Thank you! I changed it to this pattern:

@views Y[m, 1:n-1] .+= X[1, 2:n]

The new results are much closer:

VERSION = v"1.8.1"
[ Info: Test OK
neighborhood_density_loop  235.694 ns (1 allocation: 448 bytes)
neighborhood_density_offset  963.833 ns (1 allocation: 448 bytes)

Is it safe, now, to attribute the 3x speedup with the loop version to memory layout, or are there further optimizations to be made to the slice version?

Adding these annotations to the loop version improves the timing for me from

    @inbounds @fastmath for j in 2:n-1
        # Inner part
        @simd for i in 2:m-1

neighborhood_density_loop 99.433 ns (1 allocation: 448 bytes)
neighborhood_density_loop 77.053 ns (1 allocation: 448 bytes)

For fun, here’s a version that does the allocations of Y outside of the benchmarked functions

using BenchmarkTools

Compute the neighborhood density for each cell using a for loop.
function neighborhood_density_loop(Y, X::Matrix{T}) where T<:Number
    m, n = size(X)

    @inbounds @fastmath for j in 2:n-1
        # Inner part
        @simd for i in 2:m-1
            Y[i, j] = begin
                X[i-1, j-1] + 
                X[i  , j-1] + 
                X[i+1, j-1] + 
                X[i-1, j  ] + 
                X[i+1, j  ] + 
                X[i-1, j+1] + 
                X[i  , j+1] + 
                X[i+1, j+1]

        # Top edge
        Y[1, j] = begin
            X[m, j-1] + 
            X[1, j-1] + 
            X[2, j-1] + 
            X[m, j  ] + 
            X[2, j  ] + 
            X[m, j+1] + 
            X[1, j+1] + 
            X[2, j+1]

        # Bottom edge
        Y[m, j] = begin
            X[m-1, j-1] + 
            X[m  , j-1] + 
            X[1  , j-1] + 
            X[m-1, j  ] + 
            X[1  , j  ] + 
            X[m-1, j+1] + 
            X[m  , j+1] + 
            X[1  , j+1]

    for i in 2:m-1
        # Left edge
        Y[i, 1] = begin
            X[i-1, n] + 
            X[i  , n] + 
            X[i+1, n] + 
            X[i-1, 1] + 
            X[i+1, 1] + 
            X[i-1, 2] + 
            X[i  , 2] + 
            X[i+1, 2]
        # Right edge
        Y[i, n] = begin
            X[i-1, n-1] + 
            X[i  , n-1] + 
            X[i+1, n-1] + 
            X[i-1, n  ] + 
            X[i+1, n  ] + 
            X[i-1, 1  ] + 
            X[i  , 1  ] + 
            X[i+1, 1  ]
    # Corners
    Y[1, 1] = begin
        X[m, n] + 
        X[1, n] + 
        X[2, n] + 
        X[m, 1] + 
        X[2, 1] + 
        X[m, 2] + 
        X[1, 2] + 
        X[2, 2]

    Y[1, n] = begin
        X[m, n-1] + 
        X[1, n-1] + 
        X[2, n-1] + 
        X[m, n  ] + 
        X[2, n  ] + 
        X[m, 1  ] + 
        X[1, 1  ] + 
        X[2, 1  ]

    Y[m, 1] = begin
        X[m-1, n] + 
        X[m  , n] + 
        X[1  , n] + 
        X[m-1, 1] + 
        X[1  , 1] + 
        X[m-1, 2] + 
        X[m  , 2] + 
        X[1  , 2]

    Y[m, n] = begin
        X[m-1, n-1] + 
        X[m  , n-1] + 
        X[1  , n-1] + 
        X[m-1, n] + 
        X[1  , n] + 
        X[m-1, 1] + 
        X[m  , 1] + 
        X[1  , 1]


Compute the neighborhood density for each cell using offset array slices.
@views @fastmath function neighborhood_density_offset(Y, X::Matrix{T}) where T<:Number
    m, n = size(X)

    # Right neighbors
    @. Y[:, 1:n-1] += X[:, 2:n]
    # Left neighbors
    @. Y[:, 2:n] += X[:, 1:n-1]
    # Lower neighbors
    @. Y[1:m-1, :] += X[2:m, :]
    # Upper neighbors
    @. Y[2:m, :] += X[1:m-1, :]
    # Diagonal neighbors
    @. Y[1:m-1, 1:n-1] += X[2:m, 2:n]
    @. Y[1:m-1, 2:n] += X[2:m, 1:n-1]
    @. Y[2:m, 1:n-1] += X[1:m-1, 2:n]
    @. Y[2:m, 2:n] += X[1:m-1, 1:n-1]

    # Right, left neighbors of right and left edges
    @. Y[:, n] += X[:, 1]
    @. Y[:, 1] += X[:, n]
    # Lower, upper neighbors of bottom and top edges
    @. Y[m, :] += X[1, :]
    @. Y[1, :] += X[m, :]

    # Diagonal neighbors along right edge
    @. Y[1:m-1, n] += X[2:m, 1]
    @. Y[2:m, n] += X[1:m-1, 1]
    # Diagonal neighbors along left edge
    @. Y[1:m-1, 1] += X[2:m, n]
    @. Y[2:m, 1] += X[1:m-1, n]
    # Diagonal neighbors along bottom edge
    @. Y[m, 1:n-1] += X[1, 2:n]
    @. Y[m, 2:n] += X[1, 1:n-1]
    # Diagonal neighbors along top edge
    @. Y[1, 1:n-1] += X[m, 2:n]
    @. Y[1, 2:n] += X[m, 1:n-1]

    # Diagonals pointing outward from each corner
    Y[1, 1] += X[m, n]
    Y[1, n] += X[m, 1]
    Y[m, 1] += X[1, n]
    Y[m, n] += X[1, 1]


function test(samples=500, m=6, n=8)
    for _ in 1:samples
        X = rand(Float64, m, n)
        Y1 = zeros(Float64, m, n)
        Y2 = zeros(Float64, m, n)
        neighborhood_density_loop(Y1, X)
        neighborhood_density_offset(Y2, X)
        @assert Y1 ≈ Y2

    @info "Test OK"

function benchmark(m=6, n=8)
    @btime neighborhood_density_loop(Y, X) setup=(X=rand(Float64, $m, $n); Y=rand(Float64, $m, $n))
    @btime neighborhood_density_offset(Y, X) setup=(X=rand(Float64, $m, $n); Y=rand(Float64, $m, $n))

function main()
    @show VERSION


VERSION = v"1.8.1"
[ Info: Test OK
neighborhood_density_loop  55.675 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
neighborhood_density_offset  350.665 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

The neighborhood handling in DynamicGrids.jl is pretty fast for this, and lets you construct layered custom neighborhood shapes you can just map over instead of hand coding. It uses a @generated neighborhood of arbitrary shape and size known at compile time. You would use Moore{1} for your use case. Using a view is much slower than an @generated custom neighborhood, probably because of bad SIMD (@elrod would know better than me here). But you can do much better by explicitly extracting the neighborhood as a tuple than you can by broadcasting over a view. This is also true on GPUs, where I saw a 10x improvment using generated Tuple neighborhoods rather than views.

But these tools aren’t that easily useable, so I’m in the (admittedly slow) process of abstracting them into a Neighborhoods.jl package (currently a submodule of DynamicGrids.jl).

If you actually need game of life style simulations, DynamicGrids.jl is pretty good for this as-is, and will do your torus with boundary=Wrap().