Hello Julia experts,
I have been working on the function shortest_distance2_t
for quite a while, trying to optimise its performance. I do not have very advanced perf tools. Currently I use BenchmarkTools
and PProf
. I realize that there are too many memory allocations in this function. But I just donβt know how to reduce them.
The function and related definitions are listed below.
import GeometricalPredicates: AbstractPolygon2D, AbstractPoint2D, AbstractLine2D, Line2D, Point2D, getx, gety, geta, getb
struct ExtLine2D{T<:AbstractPoint2D} <: AbstractLine2D
function ExtLine2D(a::T, b::T) where {T<:AbstractPoint2D}
bx = getx(b) - getx(a)
by = gety(b) - gety(a)
ExtLine2D(a, b, bx, by, bx*bx+by*by)
geta(l::ExtLine2D) = l._a
getb(l::ExtLine2D) = l._b
length2(l::ExtLine2D) = l._l2
unpack(l::ExtLine2D) = (l._a._x, l._a._y, l._b._x, l._b._y, l._bx, l._by, l._l2)
struct PolygonInRegion2D{T<:AbstractPoint2D} <: AbstractPolygon2D
function PolygonInRegion2D{T}(p::T...) where {T<:AbstractPoint2D}
l = Vector{ExtLine2D}(undef, length(p) - 1)
for i in range(1, stop=length(p) - 1)
l[i] = ExtLine2D(p[i], p[i+1])
push!(l, ExtLine2D(p[end], p[1]))
new([p...;], l, [false for i = 1:length(l)]) # all edges are not inner edge
getpoints(polygon::PolygonInRegion2D) = polygon._p
getlines(polygon::PolygonInRegion2D) = polygon._l
getlabels(plg::PolygonInRegion2D) = plg._i
function shortest_distance2_t(px::Float64, py::Float64, plg::PolygonInRegion2D)::Tuple{Float64,Float64,Int}
d2min = 1e20
d2 = 0.
tmin = 0.0
imin = 0
dx_10 = 0.
dy_10 = 0.
proj = 0.
t = 0.
i = 0
for (ll,ii) in zip(plg._l, plg._i)
i += 1
if !ii # not inner edge
#(d2,t) = _shortest_distance2_t(px, py, plg, i)
dx_10 = px - ll._a._x
dy_10 = py - ll._a._y
proj = ll._bx * dx_10 + ll._by * dy_10
t = proj / ll._l2
if t > 1
d2 = (ll._b._x-px)^2 + (ll._b._y-py)^2
t = 1.
d2 = dx_10 * dx_10 + dy_10 * dy_10
if t < 0
t = 0.
d2 = max(0, d2 - t * proj)
if d2 < d2min
d2min = d2
tmin = t
imin = i
if d2min > 9.9e19
return (1e20, 0.0, -1)
return (d2min, tmin, imin)
Below is an example:
plg = PolygonInRegion2D{Point2D}(Point2D(0.,0.), Point2D(1.,0.1), Point2D(2.,0.2), Point2D(2.,1.), Point2D(1.,1.1), Point2D(0.,1.2))
using BenchmarkTools
@benchmark shortest_distance2_t(3.3, 0.3, plg)
On my laptop, the benchmark result is
BenchmarkTools.Trial: 10000 samples with 10 evaluations.
Range (min β¦ max): 1.617 ΞΌs β¦ 482.226 ΞΌs β GC (min β¦ max): 0.00% β¦ 98.34%
Time (median): 1.818 ΞΌs β GC (median): 0.00%
Time (mean Β± Ο): 2.132 ΞΌs Β± 6.826 ΞΌs β GC (mean Β± Ο): 5.70% Β± 1.96%
βββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ β
1.62 ΞΌs Histogram: frequency by time 3.92 ΞΌs <
Memory estimate: 2.34 KiB, allocs estimate: 132.