Hi - I am trying to solve a linear problem repeatedly using LinearSolve.jl without allocating any new memory by mutating the input and solution arrays. Here is a minimal example
using LinearAlgebra, LinearSolve, IterativeSolvers, BenchmarkTools
const n = 1000
lhs = rand(n-1) # pre-allocating lhs, rhs
rhs = rand(n-1,n-1)
b_hat = Vector{Float64}(undef, n-1) # pre-allocating results
lin_prob = LinearProblem(rhs, lhs) # setting up the linear problem
lin_solve = init(lin_prob)
function update_b_hat!(b_hat::Vector{Float64}, rhs::Matrix{Float64}, lhs::Vector{Float64},
lin_solve::LinearSolve.LinearCache{Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, SciMLBase.NullParameters, Nothing, LU{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}, IterativeSolvers.Identity, IterativeSolvers.Identity, Float64, Nothing})
lin_solve.A .= rhs
lin_solve.b .= lhs
b_hat .= solve(lin_solve).u # 6 allocations in solve()
lhs_new = rand(n-1)
rhs_new = rand(n-1,n-1)
update_b_hat!(b_hat, rhs_new, lhs_new, lin_solve)
Running the function update_b_hat! produces 8 allocations. The allocations are a problem as run this function in an inner loop. Is there a way to update both sides of the linear problem and solve it without making any new allocations?
I get a MethodError when trying to run the code (with the latest versions of LinearSolve), because one of the type parameters in the signature doesn’t match. Removing the type annotation of lin_solve::LinearSolve.LinearCache{...} and solves this issue and makes the code a lot more readable.
Also, I don’t get any allocations from update_b_hat!
Thank you for the quick replies! The issue was the versions of LinearSolve and Julia. When I upgraded past LinearSolve v2.0 and Julia v1.9, I now get no allocations