Solving a linear system without modifying and allocating arrays

Hi, I have a setup where I need to repeatedly solve a linear system like A \ B = C every timestep of a system. A is a matrix, B is a vector and both changing each timestep and more importantly A is reused later each timestep for other functions like a matrix multiplication e.g. D = A * C.

What I assume is a naive function might look like:

using LinearAlgebra
using BenchmarkTools

A = rand(Float32,10,10)
A_copy = similar(A)
B = rand(Float32,10)
C = similar(B)
D = similar(B)

function lu_div_mul!(A::Array{Float32,2},A_copy::Array{Float32,2},B::Array{Float32,1},C::Array{Float32,1},D::Array{Float32,1})
    LU = lu!(A_copy)
@btime lu_div_mul!($A,$A_copy,$B,$C,$D)
  843.077 ns (2 allocations: 144 bytes)

where the two allocations come from the lu factorisation. I would like to avoid these allocations and ideally the unneeded copy of A as in reality the dimensions of A can be rather large. Is there an existing function or method, something like lu!(A_lu,A), where the factorisation A_lu can be pre-allocated and reused, avoiding the matrix copy?

You can probably do that with LinearSolve.jl but it would be nice to have it in LinearAlgebra

Yes, this feature was recently added: define lu!(F::LU,A) for general matrices by longemen3000 · Pull Request #1131 · JuliaLang/LinearAlgebra.jl · GitHub

I’m not sure how long it will be until this appears in a Julia release, but the code from that PR is pretty short so you could easily copy it.


That’s excellent! Based on the docstring looks like this will come with Julia v1.12, until then I shall just copy the code as it is as you say, pretty short.

Thank you!