What is the difference between a Random Differential Equation and a Stochastic Differential Equation?
I read the documentation of DifferentialEquations.jl, but I cannot wrap my head around it. Thanks.
What is the difference between a Random Differential Equation and a Stochastic Differential Equation?
I read the documentation of DifferentialEquations.jl, but I cannot wrap my head around it. Thanks.
This tutorial by Trefethen may be helpful: From random functions to SDEs » Chebfun
Thank you!
Random ordinary differential equations are a generalization of SDEs. SDEs require a linear relationship to the Brownian terms: it’s always g(X)*dW, while RODEs do g(X,zeta) where zeta is some noise process. Any SDE can be written as an RODE where zeta is an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. This is a good quick intro:
RODEs then give a good way to analyze numerical methods which extend beyond Wiener processes as noise, i.e. Levy processes and stuff like, and can be a more natural way to write models with randomness on parameters in a way that gives a nonlinear relationship to the noise.
Wrong link, I think
Haha thanks.
What is the correct link?
I edited it. I accidentally linked to CompatHelper stuff