You are completly right, I will put the code here, it will be easy to discuss.
The non-stochastic problem I’m doing this way
R = 1.0e3 # resistance [Ω]
C = 1.0e-9 # capacitance [F]
function circuit!(du,u,p,t)
du[1] = -u[1]/(R*C)
uₒ = [10.0]
Δt = (0.0, 10RC)
prob_ode = ODEProblem(circuit!, uₒ, Δt)
@time sol = solve(prob_ode)
plot(sol.t, sol[1,:])
If there is anything already here that I could do to optimize things, I’d appreciate that. Then, going to the stochastic case (and following Stochastic Differential Equations · DifferentialEquations.jl ( we would have something like:
kb = 1.380649e-23 # bolztmann constant [J/K]
R = 1.0e3 # resistance [Ω]
C = 1.0e-9 # capacitance [F]
T = 300.0 # temperatura [K]
function circuit!(du,u,p,t)
du[1] = -u[1]/(R*C)
function fluctuation(du,u,p,t)
du[1] = 2kbT/(RCC)
uₒ = [10.0]
Δt = (0.0, 10RC)
prob_sde = SDEProblem(circuit!, fluctuation, uₒ, Δt)
@time sol = solve(prob_sde)
plot(sol.t, sol[1,:])
We do have the exponential profile from the ODE case, which is an agreement, however, my problems are:
1- what exactly the function ‘fluctuation’ is doing? At the tutorial, I understand that it is a Wieger process, if so, how can I chance it (if one desires to)
2- I’m almost sure that putting “2kbT/(RCC)” in the ‘fluctiation’ function defined stills do not guarantee the fluctuation-dissipation theorem <F_0(t)F_0(t’)> = \frac{2 kb T}{RC^2}*\delta(t - t’). In other words, I’m confused about the implementation of the noise variable.
One thing that I sure might do is to compute the mean and variance of my system, and check if it matches the theory, but this is really expensive because, in these examples shown, the ODE case was done in 3seconds, but the SDE case in 77seconds, and I would have to simulate lots of points so…