Hi I have an issue with RCall.jl
Firstly, thank you for this package, I have found RCall really useful.
Unfortunately, I cannot install R packages when I am in ‘R’ mode.
I get the error:
Warning in install.packages("ISLR") :
'lib = "<my home dir>/miniconda3/lib/R/library"' is not writable
Error in install.packages("ISLR") : unable to install packages
As far as I can tell all of my home directory is writeable, so I can’t see what the issue is.
I could install the packages from R and then relaunch in Julia, but I am trying to teach a course and just use one REPL.
Does anyone have any ideas?
**** Since I posted this, I found that there was an ownership issue, I do not know if this arose because of RCall, but I am pretty sure it must be, since I had no issues installing packages in R natively. I manually fixed this, but alas I fear my students won’t know how.
I’m guessing the problem here is that you installed RCall.jl by using Conda.jl (e.g. set ENV["R_HOME"] = "*"
). If this is what’s happening in your case there are two ways to solve the problem.
You can install the package via Conda. Note that it is a different repository from CRAN, so not all packages exist in Conda. (Though it is worth looking at the conda-forge channel, which is more comprhensive). For example, you might be able to type using Conda; Conda.add("r-ISLR", channel = "conda-forge")
. The name of the package will vary, so the best thing to do is to google ‘conda ISLR’ etc… and see if it is available.
You can re-build RCall.jl, pointing it to your own version of R.
a. Download and install R
b. Point RCall.jl to your installation of R: this step depends on your operating system, but will invovle setting ENV["R_HOME"] = [driectory here]
with the directory set to the location of the folder that has the R binary you installed in step a.
c. Rebuild RCall: using Pkg; Pkg.build("RCall")
d. install your package: using RCall; R"install.packages('ISLR')"
Personally I have found that the dependency story for R is somewhat lacking in Julia. I have run into problems myself where there are bugs in running R without using Conda, and packages unavailable in Conda. I hope some day BinaryBuilder will make it possible to install R dependencies. Don’t know how realistic that is.
Hi David,
Thanks very much for that.
I corrected the ownership of the directory manually, and that seemed to work for me,
but your comments are helpful for my trouble-shooting students’ experience when they
try this.
I have played around with this a bit, and it looks pretty neat otherwise (much handier than
R’s JCall).
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Hello, just to be sure I understood it correctly, if I installed RCall with the conda-based version of R ( ENV["R_HOME"] = "*"
) and I want to install a R package, say ggplot2
, I can’t simply use the R command (install.packages('ggplot2')
) but I need to use Conda.add("ggplot2")
from the Conda.jl package, right ?