Random Revise warnings

Since I updated to 1.10.2 I now, at random (that I can tell), start to see these. Only me?

┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\solvers\LibSuiteSparse.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\solvers\lib\x86_64-w64-mingw32.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SuiteSparse_jll\src\SuiteSparse_jll.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\SparseArrays.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\readonly.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\abstractsparse.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\sparsematrix.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\sparseconvert.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\higherorderfns.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\linalg.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\solvers\cholmod.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\solvers\spqr.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\programs\Julia-1.10\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\Statistics\src\Statistics.jl\src\Statistics.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\sparsevector.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\deprecated.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Warning: C:\workdir\usr\share\julia\stdlib\v1.10\SparseArrays\src\solvers\umfpack.jl no longer exists, deleted all methods
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:666
┌ Error: Failed to revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Preferences\enLcN\src\Preferences.jl
│   exception = KeyError: key Tuple{typeof(Preferences.load_preference), Base.UUID, String} not found
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:724
┌ Warning: The running code does not match the saved version for the following files:
│   C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Preferences\enLcN\src\Preferences.jl
│ If the error was due to evaluation order, it can sometimes be resolved by calling `Revise.retry()`.
│ Use Revise.errors() to report errors again. Only the first error in each file is shown.
│ Your prompt color may be yellow until the errors are resolved.
└ @ Revise C:\Users\j\.julia\packages\Revise\FaTes\src\packagedef.jl:832
1 Like

Same here, and I sometimes have to kill Julia to get it to stop. They appear veeeery slowly

similar warnings for me:

┌ Error: Failed to revise /u/bulk/home/wima/fchrstou/julia/packages/Preferences/enLcN/src/Preferences.jl
│   exception = KeyError: key Tuple{typeof(Preferences.load_preference), Base.UUID, String} not found
└ @ Revise /u/bulk/home/wima/fchrstou/julia/packages/Revise/bAgL0/src/packagedef.jl:724
┌ Warning: The running code does not match the saved version for the following files:
│   /u/bulk/home/wima/fchrstou/julia/packages/Preferences/enLcN/src/Preferences.jl
│ If the error was due to evaluation order, it can sometimes be resolved by calling `Revise.retry()`.
│ Use Revise.errors() to report errors again. Only the first error in each file is shown.
│ Your prompt color may be yellow until the errors are resolved.
└ @ Revise /u/bulk/home/wima/fchrstou/julia/packages/Revise/bAgL0/src/packagedef.jl:832

Thanks. I reverted to version 1.10.0

I suspect upgrading Revise should resolve these. See Revise warnings on v1.10.1 - #14 by kristoffer.carlsson

They must are irrelevant, because I was also suffering from what OP described there and indeed Revise v3.5.14 fixed it. But now with v3.5.14 I still get the behavior from what the OP said in this thread.

Could you please file an issue with Revise?