Random array of complex numbers how to do?

How to create random matrix od complex numer, this way is only for Real part of this.

julia> Complex.(rand(5))
5-element Array{Complex{Float64},1
  0.5247641513084038 + 0.0im
  0.1119184762223755 + 0.0im
 0.30371961835824224 + 0.0im
  0.7391045824296607 + 0.0im
  0.7081602943302652 + 0.0im

Thx. Paul

rand(Complex{Float64}, 10)

what if i don’t want values between 0 and 1 but any float64 complex numbers from 0 to 10 for example?

Apply a function that transforms 0…1 to the range you desire

julia> 10.0*rand(Complex{Float64}, 10)
10-element Vector{ComplexF64}:
   2.360001657296227 + 4.066247173406985im
   7.465908433116299 + 7.9868729179894355im
   6.345030432889454 + 2.638389800007437im
  0.7051203542985185 + 3.2030447347746316im
   7.710712462960087 + 7.9851302065761836im
  2.6223247811513706 + 8.920949876665079im
  2.5041800274421044 + 3.8916846587780096im
 0.36766752355370524 + 2.129320929229639im
   7.284979443674359 + 7.29620098936355im
  0.5610022220270849 + 3.079778973656515im
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