Creating a complex matrix from a vector

I am sure this is simple but I cannot find the solution. I have a problem where I would like to create a complex matrix out of a real vector. For example, say I have a vector:
test = randn(8)
And I want to populate a complex matrix with the elements of this vector using:
ComplexMatrix = Complex.(#,#)
I want to do something of the sort:
But instead of a 2x2 real array. I of course want a 2x2 complex array. Can someone point me in the right direction here? I know how to create a complex matrix in general- the trick is to create one out of an already created vector.


A nice way to do this without any extra allocations would be:

reshape(reinterpret(ComplexF64, test), 2, 2)

When I do this, I just get:

test = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
2×4 Array{Complex{Int64},2}:
 1+0im  3+0im  5+0im  7+0im
 2+0im  4+0im  6+0im  8+0im

But I am trying to achieve:

test = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
2×2 Array{Complex{Int64},2}:
 1+2im  3+4im 
5+6im  7+8im  

I tried that but I am getting a strange result:

test = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
reshape(reinterpret(ComplexF64, test), 2, 2)
2×2 reshape(reinterpret(Complex{Float64}, ::Array{Int64,1}), 2, 2) with eltype Complex{Float64}:
 4.94066e-324+9.88131e-324im  2.47033e-323+2.96439e-323im
  1.4822e-323+1.97626e-323im  3.45846e-323+3.95253e-323im

If extra allocations is not a problem

reshape([Complex(z...) for z in Iterators.partition(test, 2)], 2, 2)

In this approach, you should convert Int to Float64

test = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
reshape(reinterpret(ComplexF64, Float64.(test)), 2, 2)
1 Like
julia> reshape(reinterpret(Complex{Int}, test), 2, 2)
2×2 reshape(reinterpret(Complex{Int64}, ::Array{Int64,1}), 2, 2) with eltype Complex{Int64}:
 1+2im  5+6im
 3+4im  7+8im

Edit: Keep in mind that in this case you are reusing the underlying data, so if you mutate the output of the above operation, you also mutate the test vector.


The reason, this produces a weird result is that reinterpret just reinterprets the underlying memory to be of a different type, so if you’re reinterpreting an integer as a float, it will produce a completely different number due to the different underlying memory layout of IEEE floating points. You can see this also in the following example:

julia> bitstring(1)

julia> reinterpret(Float64, 1)

julia> bitstring(ans)

You could write a function, which works for all (immutable) real number types like this:

julia> function complex_reshape(a::Array{T}, dims...) where {T<:Real}
           return reshape(reinterpret(Complex{T}, a), dims...)
complex_reshape (generic function with 1 method)

julia> complex_reshape([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8], 2, 2)
2×2 reshape(reinterpret(Complex{Int64}, ::Array{Int64,1}), 2, 2) with eltype Complex{Int64}:
 1+2im  5+6im
 3+4im  7+8im