I am trying this tutorial for raidal basis function
using ADCME.jl
When I execute the code, I get a method error:
using ADCME
# use centers on a uniform grid
n = 5
h = 1/n
xc = Float64[]
yc = Float64[]
for i = 1:n+1
for j = 1:n+1
push!(xc, (i-1)*h)
push!(yc, (j-1)*h)
# by default, c is initialized to Variable(ones(...))
# eps is initialized to ones(...) and no linear terms are used
rbf = RBF2D(xc, yc)
x = rand(100)
y = rand(100)
f = @. 1+y^2/(1+x^2)
fv = rbf(x, y)
loss = sum((f-fv)^2)
sess = Session(); init(sess)
BFGS!(sess, loss)
Error observed for fv = rbf(x, y)
MethodError: no method matching load_op_and_grad(::Missing, ::String)
Closest candidates are:
load_op_and_grad(!Matched::Union{String, PyCall.PyObject}, ::String; multiple, verbose) at C:\Users\user\.julia\packages\ADCME\7qIYe\src\extra.jl:160
(::RBF2D)(::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}) at rbf.jl:64
top-level scope at test-functions.jl:23
Please suggest on the possible cause of this error and how may i resolve this issue?
Thanks in advance!!