Python 3.13 will bring a new REPL

It seems that the Julia community is not the only one improving its REPL. Among other things, Python 3.13 will bring a new REPL.


Yet another good example of third party development eventually making its mark

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There is a new python package called ptpython and it is pretty great. There are some features like the autocomplete that I wish the Julia REPL had.

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Julia REPL does have auto complete! Type half a symbol and hit TAB.

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Maybe Cole means the drop-down menu, like you’d have if you use IJulia:


I’ve feel like I’ve seen discussions (maybe even a prototype) about this, maybe from @tecosaur ?


Correct. Yeah when you use ptpython, you not only get drop down that you can arrow through and select but it pops up automatically without hitting tab. Just like an IDE.

I love the Julia REPL! I was just mentioning that this was a pretty cool feature.

Seems super annoying to me to have that without hitting <TAB> but I assume configuring whether this automatically shows up or only on tab would be easy once the functionality is there.

I hadn’t made up that mockup above, it’s here:


Isn’t it the same as ipython, and IJulia in Jupyter as shown above?

Yeah pretty much. I just haven’t ever found a way in both ipython and IJulia (in jupyterlab) to get tab completion to show up automatically like it does for me in vscode (of course using a jupyter notebook in vscode this works). You have to hit the tab key for it to show up in jupyterlab.

It would be a nice feature in the repl though too imo. That being the drop-down menu as well as the option for it to auto drop down.

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Yup, I think it’s fallen into the slack hole now, but it’s something I’ve got in mind as part of the revised REPL effort.

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