Problems with IterativeSolvers.svdl() routine

The svdl() routine of the IterativeSolvers.jl package is giving me completely wrong errors, even for a 4X4 identity matrix. Am I doing something wrong ?

julia> using IterativeSolvers;

julia> using LinearAlgebra;

julia> K= Diagonal(ones(4));

julia> X,L = IterativeSolvers.svdl(K,nsv=3,vecs=:both);

julia> display(X.S);
3-element Array{Float64,1}:

julia> A=X.U * Diagonal(X.S)*X.Vt
4×4 Array{Float64,2}:
  0.14693   -0.40968   -0.683797  -0.220515
 -0.40968    1.1423     1.90661    0.614855
 -0.683797   1.90661    3.18233    1.02626 
 -0.220515   0.614855   1.02626    0.330953


As you see, the singular values are all wrong and the factorization does not lead to the original matrix.