KrylovKit svd solver not running properly

I am encountering a problem with the svd solver of the KylovKit.jl package. I am trying to compute the SVD of a 90000X90000 sparse matrix, with a fraction of 2.4E-4 elements non-zero. However, the following execution

using KrylovKit;
K=deserialize(open( "K.dat" ));
Lambda,Phi,Gamma,info = KrylovKit.svdsolve(K, 1, krylovdim=3, tol=1E-3, maxiter=100);

does not terminate (it has been more than 48 hours). I am looking only for the top SVD, and my tolerance is also very high. The matrix K is close to the identity and its top singular value is 1.

Could suggest any reason why this relatively simple svd application is not working. Is there any known bug ?

Another curious thing is that my computer has 4 processors, but only one of them is being used during the operation.

The sparse matrix K is created from a complicated process involving the computation of a Gaussian kernel over a data-set. So i have not provided those details.

The svd solver is probably the least tested. That being said, I notice you have krylovdim=3. Is there any reason for choosing it so so small? You can get more info about the convergence by using the verbosity keyword

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I was under the impression that it is sufficient for the krylov dimension needs to be 2L+1, where L is the number of singular values/vectors required.
I will try out with the verbosity command.
Can you suggest any other tried and tested package. I had earlier reported a problem / bug with the svds() routine here, to which you had suggested KrylovKit.jl

2L+1 is theoretically sufficient, but I would suggest larger to get faster convergence. krylovdim around 20 to 30 seems to be an often made choice.

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I now ran the command without specifying the krylov dimension, as follows

@time Lambda,Phi,Gamma,info = KrylovKit.svdsolve( K, L, verbosity=3, tol=1E-3, maxiter=100 );

The process has been stuck at the 30th iteration for several hours. Only 1 out 4 processors is still being utilized.

[ Info: GKL iteration step 1: normres = NaN
[ Info: GKL iteration step 2: normres = NaN
[ Info: GKL iteration step 30: normres = NaN

Do you know what this could mean ? Also, can you suggest any other svd solver ? svd solving is very crucial for many numeric applications.

You can try svdl in IterativeSolvers.

The fact that normres is NaN is concerning. What does it return when you set maxiter=1?

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Setting maxiter=1 still has the same problem :

julia> @time Lambda,Phi,Gamma,info = KrylovKit.svdsolve( K, 1, verbosity=3, tol=1E-3, maxiter=1 );
[ Info: GKL iteration step 1: normres = NaN
[ Info: GKL iteration step 30: normres = NaN

The process stops indefinitely after iteration step 30.

Thank you for the suggestion. I looked up the documentation here. I am having travel in deciphering the output. I tried the routine on a simple identity amtrix of size 4.

A = Diagonal(ones(4));
X,L = IterativeSolvers.svdl(A,nsv=3,vecs="both");

The problem is that I do not know how the SVD results are stored in X,L. Upon checking, I find

julia> X
SVD{Float64,Float64,Array{Float64,2}}(Array{Float64}(4,0), [7.76331, 5.56498, 3.40801], Array{Float64}(0,4))

julia> L
IterativeSolvers.PartialFactorization{Float64,Float64}([0.148432 -0.00588581 … 0.993988 -0.993989; 0.016312 -0.000646821 … 0.109257 -0.109253; 0.000746992 -2.96202e-5 … 0.00503284 -0.0050266; 0.000748214 -2.9669e-5 … 0.00502097 -0.00501883], [1.15233 -0.0327544 … -0.99399 0.99399; 0.126635 -0.00359955 … -0.109242 0.109243; 0.00579912 -0.000164836 … -0.00501194 0.00501381; 0.00580861 -0.000165107 … -0.00501379 0.00501443], [7.76331 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; 0.0 5.56498 … 0.0 0.0; … ; 0.0 0.0 … 2.34803 2.34803; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 3.34803], 3.348034540367908)

I do not see 3 singular values equal to one. Where can I recover the left and right singular vectors from ? The documentation does not indicate that.

In other programs such as Matlab, the documentation clearly provides this basic information. Usually people are interested in both the singular vectors and values.

Your X here is an SVD object, which is well documented here.

Could you share K.dat ? It should indeed not happen that you get NaN for normres (and I should probably check for that and error out).

It is a 3GB file, so I shared it on Google drive with you

Thank you. I am having some problems with this package, which I have posted on a separate thread

Your matrix contains Inf values, so any vector you multiply it with will also come to have infinite norm.

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Thank you for the painstaking effort, that was indeed the problem. It had never occurred to me.