** environment: linux with Version 1.11.3 (2025-01-21) of julia and the latest version of PackageCompiler.jl
I started studying the PackageCompiler.jl documentation and tried to reproduce the example sample. More precisely, I ran:
[alex@desk ~]$ cd .julia/packages/PackageCompiler/UbaS4/examples
[alex@desk examples]$ julia
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.generate("MyApp")
julia> exit()
[alex@desk ~]$ julia -q --project
julia> using PackageCompiler
julia> create_app("MyApp", "MyAppCompiled")
However, I received:
PackageCompiler: bundled libraries:
├── Base:
│ ├── libLLVM-16jl.so - 126.855 MiB
│ ├── libLLVM.so.19.1 - 134.303 MiB
│ ├── libatomic.so.1.2.0 - 168.273 KiB
│ ├── libatomic_ops.so.1.2.0 - 13.812 KiB
│ ├── libatomic_ops_gpl.so.1.2.1 - 13.891 KiB
│ ├── libgcc_s.so.1 - 894.664 KiB
│ ├── libgfortran.so.5.0.0 - 9.856 MiB
│ ├── libgmp.so.10.5.0 - 662.625 KiB
│ ├── libgmpxx.so.4.7.0 - 30.039 KiB
│ ├── libgomp.so.1.0.0 - 1.499 MiB
│ ├── libmpfr.so.6.2.1 - 757.562 KiB
│ ├── libopenlibm.so.4.0 - 188.570 KiB
│ ├── libpcre2-8.so.0.13.0 - 629.953 KiB
│ ├── libquadmath.so.0.0.0 - 940.164 KiB
│ ├── libstdc++.so.6.0.33 - 21.030 MiB
│ ├── libunwind-coredump.so.0.0.0 - 25.750 KiB
│ ├── libunwind-ptrace.so.0.0.0 - 22.062 KiB
│ ├── libunwind-setjmp.so.0.0.0 - 12.938 KiB
│ ├── libunwind-x86_64.so.8.1.0 - 69.734 KiB
│ ├── libunwind.so.8.1.0 - 61.898 KiB
│ ├── libz.so.1.3.1 - 98.016 KiB
│ ├── libzbar.so.0.3.0 - 234.141 KiB
│ ├── libzbargtk.so.0.0.2 - 25.945 KiB
│ ├── libzbarqt.so.0.1.2 - 82.133 KiB
│ ├── libzimg.so.2.0.0 - 822.219 KiB
│ ├── libzip.so.5.5 - 126.938 KiB
│ ├── libzix-0.so.0.6.2 - 54.016 KiB
│ ├── libzmf-0.0.so.0.0.2 - 158.055 KiB
│ ├── libzmq.so.5.2.5 - 914.016 KiB
│ ├── libzstd.so.1.5.6 - 889.945 KiB
│ ├── libzvbi-chains.so.0.0.0 - 61.953 KiB
│ ├── libzvbi.so.0.13.2 - 519.430 KiB
│ ├── libzzip-0.so.13.0.78 - 30.359 KiB
│ ├── libzzipfseeko-0.so.13.0.78 - 17.883 KiB
│ ├── libzzipmmapped-0.so.13.0.78 - 21.883 KiB
│ ├── libzzipwrap-0.so.13.0.78 - 13.883 KiB
│ ├── libjulia.so.1.11.3 - 103.180 KiB
├── Stdlibs:
│ ├── OpenBLAS_jll
ERROR: IOError: symlink("libopenblas_64.so.0.3", "MyAppCompiled/lib/julia/libopenblas64_.so"): file already exists (EEXIST)
[1] cp
@ ./file.jl:378 [inlined]
[2] bundle_julia_libraries(dest_dir::String, stdlibs::Vector{String})
@ PackageCompiler ~/.julia/packages/PackageCompiler/UbaS4/src/PackageCompiler.jl:1395
[3] create_app(package_dir::String, app_dir::String; executables::Nothing, precompile_execution_file::Vector{…}, precompile_statements_file::Vector{…}, incremental::Bool, filter_stdlibs::Bool, force::Bool, c_driver_program::String, cpu_target::String, include_lazy_artifacts::Bool, sysimage_build_args::Cmd, include_transitive_dependencies::Bool, include_preferences::Bool, script::Nothing)
@ PackageCompiler ~/.julia/packages/PackageCompiler/UbaS4/src/PackageCompiler.jl:863
[4] create_app(package_dir::String, app_dir::String)
@ PackageCompiler ~/.julia/packages/PackageCompiler/UbaS4/src/PackageCompiler.jl:829
[5] top-level scope
@ REPL[2]:1
From what I understand, it seems to be a problem in the PackageCompiler package… Since I’m still new to julia, I would like to check if my assumption is correct? (Problem with the PackageCompiler package) If that’s the case, I’ll report it in the project’s Issues…
Or is it just a beginner’s mistake?