Precompile for 0.6 without deprecation warning

Currently there is a deprecation warning thrown for __precompile__(true) functions at the start of packages.

This warning makes it difficult to have packages that are compatible with both v0.6 and v0.7 that do not throw warnings in 0.7. If the __precompile__ statement is removed to silence the warning, the package will not precompile in 0.6.

What is the recommended course of action here?

if VERSION < v"0.7-"?


lol I feel so stupid, I don’t know why I didn’t do that.

I think it’s a combination of trying to use Compat for everything and being awake too long. That’s my excuse :laughing:

More specifically, VERSION < v"0.7.0-beta2.199" && __precompile__() if you want to make sure it still works on the versions of 0.7 before the __precompile__() change.