Thank you all for your careful attention to my query.
I think my “minimal” working example was perhaps too minimal still. I will overshoot in the other direction and provide below a working copy of my actual code at the moment.
The key function for my query is sim_data_like
. It is the one that is called n_sim
times per call of the likelihood function. As of now, it has “too much” memory allocated within it so that each call of the likelihood function demands more than n_sim
times that amount of memory. (The function CompParams
currently sets the amount of simulations. Eventually I will want to simulate at least n_sim=1000
times for n_firms=5000
– that will cause memory issues for sure.
I’ve put an @time
call both at the bottom on the line that calls the likelihood function and also one one line within sim_data_like
. The purpose of the latter is so that you can easily see that it is the allocation of the vector of svectors that is the offending line. The “math” parts of the code are currently lean - they, for the most part, do not ask for much memory. It is just the ~10 instance of allocating vectors of svectors within sim_data_like
that adds up to the memory demands of that entire function. If I could reduce those only, I would trim much of the issue perhaps.
Some other notes: I know some other functions (e.g. SimRawData
) are also flabby at the moment. Don’t worry about those unless they have a direct bearing on the memory demand of sim_data_like
#setting up the linear program
# Required Packages
using Distributions, Random, LinearAlgebra, BenchmarkTools, SparseArrays
using StaticArrays, GLPK, Cbc, Ipopt, Optim, StatsBase, KernelDensitySJ
using Assignment, JuMP
function CompParams(;n_firms=50, n_sim=100, trim_percent=5, hmethod=1)
n_firms = n_firms,
# number of simulations for each iteration, i.e. n_sim 500 by 500 markets
trim_percent = trim_percent, #which percentil as cutoff for trim fn
hmethod = hmethod) #hmethod=1 --> Silverman's RoT. =2 --> Sheather and Jones (1991) bandwidth
return p
function StrucParams(b::Vector{Float64})
Σ_m = exp(b[1])
Σ_f = exp(b[2])
Σ_u = [Σ_m 0.0;
0.0 Σ_f]
#Set up thetas
theta_0 = [b[3] b[4];
b[5] b[6]]
theta_1 = [b[7:8]';
theta_2 = [b[11:12]';
#set up Cov matrix for shocks to measures
sigma_1 = exp(b[15])
sigma_2 = exp(b[17])
cov12 = -sqrt(sigma_1)sqrt(sigma_2) + 2.0*sqrt(sigma_1)sqrt(sigma_2)*(exp(b[16]))/(1.0+exp(b[16])) #ensuring pos semi def cov matrix
Σ = [sigma_1 cov12;
cov12 sigma_2]
mean_price = b[18]
rm = b[19:21]
rf = b[22:24]
risk = exp(b[25]) #exp to keep risk coefficient positive
p = (
Σ_m = Σ_m,
Σ_f = Σ_f,
Σ_u = Σ_u,
theta_0 = theta_0,
theta_1 = theta_1,
theta_2 = theta_2,
Σ = Σ,
mean_price = mean_price,
rm = rm,
rf = rf,
risk = risk) #exp to keep risk coefficient positive
return p
function DrawUnobsData(n,Σ)
svectorscopy(rand(MvNormal([0.0, 0.0],Σ),n), Val{2}())
function svectorscopy(x::Array{T}, ::Val{N}) where {T,N}
size(x,1) == N || error("sizes mismatch")
isbitstype(T) || error("use for bitstypes only")
copy(reinterpret(SVector{N,T}, vec(x)))
function bstarCalc(ats::SVector{2, Float64},rΣ)
function SCalc(ats::SVector{2, Float64},bs::SVector{2, Float64})
function eltorows(v::Vector{SVector{dim, T}}) where {dim, T}
copy(transpose(reshape(reinterpret(Float64, v), dim, :)))
function SumSVec(v::SVector{2, Float64})
function MultSVecs(v1::SVector{dim, T}, v2::SVector{dim, T}) where {dim, T}
function ConcatSVecs(v1::Float64, v2::Float64)
function a0abeps(a0::SVector{1, Float64},ab::SVector{2, Float64},eps::SVector{2, Float64})
SVector{2,Float64}(a0 .+ ab .+ eps)
function absum(a::SVector{1, Float64},b::SVector{1, Float64},mp::Float64)
SVector{1,Float64}(a .+ b .+ mp)
function BMCalc(b::SVector{2, Float64},m::SVector{2, Float64})
struct SimOutputs
down_match :: Vector{SVector{3,Float64}}
wages_match :: Vector{SVector{1,Float64}}
measures_match :: Vector{SVector{2,Float64}}
function SimRawData(b::Vector{Float64})
CR = CompParams();
Raw = StrucParams(b);
# Types
# Upstream observed: x_1, x_2
# Upstream unobs: delta^m
# Downstream Observed: y_1, y_2
# Downstream Unobs: delta^f
up_data = zeros(2, CR.n_firms);
up_data[1,:] = rand(Uniform(0.0,1.0), CR.n_firms);
up_data[2,:] = rand(Uniform(0.0,1.0), CR.n_firms);
down_data = zeros(2, CR.n_firms);
down_data[1,:] = rand(Uniform(0.0,1.0), CR.n_firms);
down_data[2,:] = rand(Uniform(0.0,1.0), CR.n_firms);
up_all = zeros(3, CR.n_firms);
down_all = zeros(3, CR.n_firms);
up_all[1:2,:] = up_data;
down_all[1:2,:] = down_data;
up_all[3,:] = rand(Normal(0.0,Raw.Σ_m[1,1]), CR.n_firms);
down_all[3,:] = rand(Normal(0.0, Raw.Σ_f[1,1]), CR.n_firms);
eps_measure = rand(MvNormal([0.0, 0.0],Raw.Σ),CR.n_firms);
alpha_0 = up_all[1:2,:]'*Raw.theta_0*down_all[1:2,:];
alpha_1 = up_all[1:2,:]'*Raw.theta_1*down_all[1:2,:];
alpha_2 = up_all[1:2,:]'*Raw.theta_2*down_all[1:2,:];
alpha_tilde = zeros(2,CR.n_firms,CR.n_firms);
alpha_tilde[1,:,:] = alpha_0+alpha_1;
alpha_tilde[2,:,:] = alpha_0+alpha_2;
bstar = zeros(2,CR.n_firms,CR.n_firms);
for n1 in 1:CR.n_firms;
for n2 in 1:CR.n_firms;
bstar[:,n1,n2] = (alpha_tilde[:,n1,n2]*ones(1,2).+(Raw.risk*Raw.Σ))\alpha_tilde[:,n1,n2]
S = zeros(CR.n_firms,CR.n_firms);
for n1 in 1:CR.n_firms;
for n2 in 1:CR.n_firms;
S[n1,n2] = 0.5*alpha_tilde[:,n1,n2]'*bstar[:,n1,n2];
#set up unobserved heterogeneity rhos:
#assume rho_m = y(1)*rm(1)*delta_m + y(2)*rm(2)*delta_m + rm(3)*delta_m
#assume rho_f = x(1)*rf(1)*delta_f + x(2)*rf(2)*delta_f + rf(3)*delta_f
rho_m = ([down_all[1:2,:]' ones(CR.n_firms,1)]* Raw.rm * up_all[3,:]')';
rho_f = [up_all[1:2,:]' ones(CR.n_firms,1)]* Raw.rf * down_all[3,:]';
C = -S .- rho_m .- rho_f; #negative of pairwise quadratic surplus
match, up_profit_lp, down_profit_lp = find_best_assignment(C)
down_match_lp= Array{Float64, 2}(undef, 3, CR.n_firms);
for i in 1:CR.n_firms
down_match_lp[:,i] = down_all[:, match[i][2]];
down_match_profit_lp = Array{Float64, 1}(undef, CR.n_firms);
for i in 1:CR.n_firms
down_match_profit_lp[i] = down_profit_lp[match[i][2]];
# minimum downstream profit =0
profit_diff = findmin(down_match_profit_lp)[1];
down_match_profit_lp .= down_match_profit_lp .+ profit_diff;
up_profit_lp .= up_profit_lp .- profit_diff;
alpha_0_match = diag(up_all[1:2,:]'*Raw.theta_0*down_match_lp[1:2,:]);
alpha_1_match = diag(up_all[1:2,:]'*Raw.theta_1*down_match_lp[1:2,:]);
alpha_2_match = diag(up_all[1:2,:]'*Raw.theta_2*down_match_lp[1:2,:]);
alpha_tilde_match = zeros(2,CR.n_firms);
alpha_tilde_match[1,:] = alpha_0_match.+alpha_1_match;
alpha_tilde_match[2,:] = alpha_0_match.+alpha_2_match;
bstar_match = zeros(2,CR.n_firms);
measures_match = zeros(2,CR.n_firms);
for n1 in 1:CR.n_firms;
bstar_match[:,n1] = (alpha_tilde_match[:,n1]*ones(1,2)+Raw.risk*Raw.Σ)\alpha_tilde_match[:,n1];
#simulate matched measures
measures_match[1,n1] = sum(alpha_0_match[n1]*bstar_match[:,n1]) + alpha_1_match[n1]*bstar_match[1,n1] + eps_measure[1,n1];
measures_match[2,n1] = sum(alpha_0_match[n1]*bstar_match[:,n1]) + alpha_2_match[n1]*bstar_match[2,n1] + eps_measure[2,n1];
S_match = zeros(CR.n_firms);
for n1 in 1:CR.n_firms;
S_match[n1] = 0.5*alpha_tilde_match[:,n1]'*bstar_match[:,n1]
rho_m_match = diag(([down_match_lp[1:2,:]' ones(CR.n_firms,1)]* Raw.rm * up_all[3,:]')');
rho_f_match = diag([up_all[1:2,:]' ones(CR.n_firms,1)]* Raw.rf * down_match_lp[3,:]');
up_valuation = -S_match .+ rho_m_match; #manager gets -S_match + unobs value, net of transfers
# eq transfers
up_prices_lp = up_profit_lp .- up_valuation;
#down_prices_lp= γ'*up_prices_lp;
#simulate wages:
wages_match = zeros(CR.n_firms)
for n1 in 1:CR.n_firms;
wages_match[n1] = Raw.mean_price + up_prices_lp[n1] + bstar_match[:,n1]'*measures_match[:,n1]
down_match_ret = down_match_lp[1:2,:]
out = (
up_data = up_data,
down_match_ret = down_match_ret,
wages_match = wages_match,
measures_match = measures_match)
return out
function sim_data_like(up_data_obs_in,down_data_obs_in,p_in::NamedTuple,i)
CR = CompParams();
# Types
# Upstream x_1, x_2, delta^m
# Downstream y_1, y_2, delta^f
# Generate simulated x and y data
up_data_sim = Matrix{Float64}(undef, 3, CR.n_firms);
up_data_sim[1:2,:] = up_data_obs_in;
down_data_sim = similar(up_data_sim);
down_data_sim[1:2,:] = down_data_obs_in;
up_data_sim[3,:] = rand(Normal(0.0,p_in.Σ_u[1,1]), CR.n_firms);
down_data_sim[3,:] = rand(Normal(0.0, p_in.Σ_u[2,2]), CR.n_firms);
# noise to measures
eps_measure_sim = Vector{SVector{2,Float64}}(undef,CR.n_firms)
eps_measure_sim = DrawUnobsData(CR.n_firms , p_in.Σ)
alpha_0_sim = SMatrix{CR.n_firms,CR.n_firms,Float64}
alpha_1_sim = similar_type(alpha_0_sim)
alpha_2_sim = similar_type(alpha_0_sim)
alpha_0_sim = SMatrix{CR.n_firms,2,Float64}(up_data_obs_in')*SMatrix{2,2,Float64}(p_in.theta_0)*SMatrix{2,CR.n_firms,Float64}(down_data_obs_in);
alpha_1_sim = SMatrix{CR.n_firms,2,Float64}(up_data_obs_in')*SMatrix{2,2,Float64}(p_in.theta_1)*SMatrix{2,CR.n_firms,Float64}(down_data_obs_in);
alpha_2_sim = SMatrix{CR.n_firms,2,Float64}(up_data_obs_in')*SMatrix{2,2,Float64}(p_in.theta_2)*SMatrix{2,CR.n_firms,Float64}(down_data_obs_in);
alpha01 = similar_type(alpha_0_sim)
alpha02 = similar_type(alpha_0_sim)
alpha01 = alpha_0_sim + alpha_1_sim
alpha02 = alpha_0_sim + alpha_2_sim
alpha_tilde_simVec = Vector{SVector{2,Float64}}(undef,CR.n_firms*CR.n_firms)
alpha_tilde_simVec .= ConcatSVecs.(vec(alpha01),vec(alpha02))
bstar_sim = similar(alpha_tilde_simVec)
rΣ = Matrix{Float64}(undef,2,2)
rΣ = p_in.risk * p_in.Σ
bstar_sim .= bstarCalc.(alpha_tilde_simVec, Ref(rΣ))
@time S_simvec = Vector{SVector{1,Float64}}(undef, CR.n_firms*CR.n_firms)
S_simvec .= SCalc.(alpha_tilde_simVec,bstar_sim)
S_sim = SMatrix{CR.n_firms,CR.n_firms,Float64}
S_sim = SMatrix{CR.n_firms,CR.n_firms,Float64}(reshape(eltorows(S_simvec), (CR.n_firms,CR.n_firms)))
rho_m_sim = SMatrix{CR.n_firms,CR.n_firms,Float64}
rho_f_sim = similar_type(rho_m_sim)
rho_m_sim = SMatrix{CR.n_firms,1,Float64}(up_data_sim[3,:]')*SMatrix{1,3,Float64}(p_in.rm)*SMatrix{3,CR.n_firms,Float64}([down_data_obs_in; ones(1, CR.n_firms)]);
rho_f_sim = SMatrix{CR.n_firms,3,Float64}([up_data_obs_in' ones(CR.n_firms,1)])*SMatrix{3,1,Float64}(p_in.rf')*SMatrix{1,CR.n_firms,Float64}(down_data_sim[3,:]');
C_sim = SMatrix{CR.n_firms,CR.n_firms,Float64}
C_sim = -S_sim - rho_m_sim - rho_f_sim; #negative of pairwise quadratic surplus
match_sim, up_profit_sim, down_profit_sim = find_best_assignment(C_sim)
down_match_sim = similar(up_data_sim);
for i in 1:CR.n_firms
down_match_sim[:,i] = down_data_sim[:, match_sim[i][2]];
down_match_profit_sim = Array{Float64, 1}(undef, CR.n_firms);
for i in 1:CR.n_firms
down_match_profit_sim[i] = down_profit_sim[match_sim[i][2]];
# minimum downstream profit =0
profit_diff_sim = findmin(down_match_profit_sim)[1];
down_match_profit_sim .= down_match_profit_sim .+ profit_diff_sim;
up_profit_sim .= up_profit_sim .- profit_diff_sim;
alpha_0_match_sim = SVector{CR.n_firms,Float64}
alpha_1_match_sim = similar_type(alpha_0_match_sim)
alpha_2_match_sim = similar_type(alpha_0_match_sim)
alpha_0_match_sim = diag(SMatrix{CR.n_firms,2,Float64}(up_data_obs_in')*SMatrix{2,2,Float64}(p_in.theta_0)*SMatrix{2,CR.n_firms,Float64}(down_match_sim[1:2,:]));
alpha_1_match_sim = diag(SMatrix{CR.n_firms,2,Float64}(up_data_obs_in')*SMatrix{2,2,Float64}(p_in.theta_1)*SMatrix{2,CR.n_firms,Float64}(down_match_sim[1:2,:]));
alpha_2_match_sim = diag(SMatrix{CR.n_firms,2,Float64}(up_data_obs_in')*SMatrix{2,2,Float64}(p_in.theta_2)*SMatrix{2,CR.n_firms,Float64}(down_match_sim[1:2,:]));
alpha01_match = similar_type(alpha_0_match_sim)
alpha02_match = similar_type(alpha_0_match_sim)
alpha01_match = alpha_0_match_sim + alpha_1_match_sim
alpha02_match = alpha_0_match_sim + alpha_2_match_sim
alpha_tilde_match_simVec = Vector{SVector{2,Float64}}(undef,CR.n_firms)
alpha_tilde_match_simVec .= ConcatSVecs.(vec(alpha01_match),vec(alpha02_match))
alpha_0_match_simVec = copy(reinterpret(SVector{1,Float64}, vec(alpha_0_match_sim)))
bstar_match_sim = similar(alpha_tilde_match_simVec)
bstar_match_sim .= bstarCalc.(alpha_tilde_match_simVec, Ref(rΣ))
sumBstar = Vector{SVector{1,Float64}}(undef, CR.n_firms)
sumBstar .= SumSVec.(bstar_match_sim)
a0sumBstar = Vector{SVector{1,Float64}}(undef, CR.n_firms)
a0sumBstar .= MultSVecs.(alpha_0_match_simVec,sumBstar)
measures_match_sim = similar(bstar_match_sim)
a12 = similar(bstar_match_sim)
a12 .= ConcatSVecs.(vec(alpha_1_match_sim),vec(alpha_2_match_sim))
ab = similar(bstar_match_sim)
ab .= MultSVecs.(a12,bstar_match_sim)
measures_match_sim .= a0abeps.(a0sumBstar,ab,eps_measure_sim)
S_match_simvec = Vector{SVector{1,Float64}}(undef, CR.n_firms)
S_match_simvec .= SCalc.(alpha_tilde_match_simVec,bstar_match_sim)
rho_m_match_sim = diag(SMatrix{CR.n_firms,1,Float64}(up_data_sim[3,:]')*SMatrix{1,3,Float64}(p_in.rm)*SMatrix{3,CR.n_firms,Float64}([down_match_sim[1:2,:]; ones(1, CR.n_firms)]));
rho_m_match_simSvec = copy(reinterpret(SVector{1,Float64}, rho_m_match_sim))
#rho_f_match_sim = diag([up_data_sim[1:2,:]' ones(CR.n_firms,1)]* p_in.rf * down_match_sim[3,:]');
up_valuation_sim = -S_match_simvec .+ rho_m_match_simSvec; #manager gets -S_match + unobs value, net of transfers
up_profit_simSvec = copy(reinterpret(SVector{1,Float64}, up_profit_sim))
# eq transfers
up_prices_sim = up_profit_simSvec .- up_valuation_sim;
#down_prices_sim= γ_sim'*up_prices_sim;
#simulate wages:
wages_match_sim = Vector{SVector{1,Float64}}(undef, CR.n_firms)
bm = Vector{SVector{1,Float64}}(undef, CR.n_firms)
bm .= BMCalc.(bstar_match_sim,measures_match_sim)
wages_match_sim .= absum.(up_prices_sim, bm,p_in.mean_price);
down_match_sim_out = Vector{SVector{3,Float64}}(undef, CR.n_firms)
down_match_sim_out = svectorscopy(down_match_sim, Val{3}())
down_match = down_match_sim_out
wages_match = wages_match_sim
measures_match = measures_match_sim
Simout = SimOutputs(down_match, wages_match, measures_match)
return Simout
#liklihood function
function loglikepr(b_est,b_cal,i_cal,up_data_obs,down_data_obs,wages_obs,measures_obs)
# inputs are:
# b_est = parameter values of parameters to be estimated
# b_cal = parameters values of parameters to be calibrated
# i_cal = index in b for parameters to be calibrated
# up_data_obs - the observable part of up_data
# down_data_obs - the obs part of down_data
# wages_obs - obs wages
# measures_obs = obs measures
LLC = CompParams();
ic = 1;
ie = 1;
nb = length(b_est)+length(b_cal);
b = zeros(nb);
for ib in 1:nb
if ic<=length(i_cal)
if ib == i_cal[ic];
b[ib] = b_cal[ic];
ic += 1;
b[ib] = b_est[ie];
ie += 1;
b[ib] = b_est[ie];
ie += 1;
LLp = StrucParams(b);
@time sim_dat = Vector{SimOutputs}(undef,LLC.n_sim)
sim_dat = [sim_data_like(up_data_obs,down_data_obs,LLp,314159+i) for i in eachindex(sim_dat)]
# Bandwidths for y, wages, measures, cov of measures
data = zeros(5,LLC.n_firms*LLC.n_sim);
for i = 1:LLC.n_sim
data[1,1+(i-1)*LLC.n_firms:i*LLC.n_firms] = view(down_data_obs,1,:) .- getindex.(sim_dat[i].down_match,1);
data[2,1+(i-1)*LLC.n_firms:i*LLC.n_firms] = view(down_data_obs,2,:) .- getindex.(sim_dat[i].down_match,2);
data[3,1+(i-1)*LLC.n_firms:i*LLC.n_firms] = (wages_obs) .- getindex.(sim_dat[i].wages_match,1);
data[4,1+(i-1)*LLC.n_firms:i*LLC.n_firms] = view(measures_obs,1,:) .- getindex.(sim_dat[i].measures_match,1);
data[5,1+(i-1)*LLC.n_firms:i*LLC.n_firms] = view(measures_obs,2,:) .- getindex.(sim_dat[i].measures_match,2);
if (LLC.hmethod==1)
#Silverman's Rule of thumb:
Iqrnorm = 1.34;
A = zeros(5);
A[1] = min(std(data[1,:]),StatsBase.iqr(data[1,:])/Iqrnorm);
A[2] = min(std(data[2,:]),StatsBase.iqr(data[2,:])/Iqrnorm);
A[3] = min(std(data[3,:]),StatsBase.iqr(data[3,:])/Iqrnorm);
A[4] = min(std(data[4,:]),StatsBase.iqr(data[4,:])/Iqrnorm);
A[5] = min(std(data[5,:]),StatsBase.iqr(data[5,:])/Iqrnorm);
h=0.9 * A * LLC.n_firms^(-0.2);
#Using Sheather and Jones (1991) bandwidth
h = zeros(5);
h[1] = KernelDensitySJ.bwsj(data[1,:]);
h[2] = KernelDensitySJ.bwsj(data[2,:]);
h[3] = KernelDensitySJ.bwsj(data[3,:]);
h[4] = KernelDensitySJ.bwsj(data[4,:]);
h[5] = KernelDensitySJ.bwsj(data[5,:]);
like = zeros(LLC.n_firms);
for i in 1:LLC.n_firms
for j in 1:LLC.n_sim
pdf(Normal(),(down_data_obs[1,i] - getindex(sim_dat[j].down_match[i],1))/h[1])
*pdf(Normal(),(down_data_obs[2,i] - getindex(sim_dat[j].down_match[i],2))/h[2])
*pdf(Normal(),(wages_obs[i] - getindex(sim_dat[j].wages_match[i],1))/h[3])
*pdf(Normal(),(measures_obs[1,i] - getindex(sim_dat[j].measures_match[i],1))/h[4])
*pdf(Normal(),(measures_obs[2,i] - getindex(sim_dat[j].measures_match[i],2))/h[5])
if LLC.trim_percent > 0
#set up trimming function following Fermanian and Salanie
hall = prod(h);
delta_trim = log(percentile(like,LLC.trim_percent))/log(hall);
if isinf(abs(delta_trim)) #if above trim fn yields computational zeros, then we need less smooth trim fn
hd = percentile(like,LLC.trim_percent)
tau_trim =zeros(LLC.n_firms)
tau_trim .= (like.-hd)./(2.0*hd)
tau_trim[like .< hd] .=0.0
tau_trim[like .> 2.0*hd] .=1.0
maxtau = findmax(tau_trim)
hd = hall^delta_trim; #ensure hd, hd3, hd4 are not computationally zero
hd3 = hd^3.0;
hd4 = hd^4.0;
tau_trim = zeros(LLC.n_firms)
tau_trim .= 4 .*(like.-hd).^3 ./ hd3 .- 3.0 .*(like.-hd).^4.0 ./ hd4;
tau_trim[like .< hd] .=0.0
tau_trim[like .> 2.0*hd] .=1.0
maxtau = findmax(tau_trim)
tau_trim = zeros(LLC.n_firms)
maxtau = findmax(tau_trim)
ll = 0.0
if tau_trim==0.0 || isnan(maxtau[1])
ll = NaN
for i in 1:LLC.n_firms
if tau_trim[i]>0.0
println("parameter: ", round.(b_est, digits=5), " likelihood: ", ll/LLC.n_firms)
return ll/LLC.n_firms
function SetTrueParams()
# Set up true parameters
b_true = zeros(25);
#unobs heterogeneity
Σ_m_true = exp(0.0);
b_true[1] = log(Σ_m_true);
Σ_f_true = exp(0.0);
b_true[2] = log(Σ_f_true);
#Set up thetas
theta_0_true = [0.5 0.7;
0.3 0.1];
b_true[3]= theta_0_true[1,1];
b_true[4]= theta_0_true[1,2];
b_true[5]= theta_0_true[2,1];
b_true[6]= theta_0_true[2,2];
theta_1_true = [0.2 0.05;
0.2 0.4];
b_true[7]= theta_1_true[1,1];
b_true[8]= theta_1_true[1,2];
b_true[9]= theta_1_true[2,1];
b_true[10]= theta_1_true[2,2];
theta_2_true = [0.1 0.0;
0.0 0.2];
b_true[11]= theta_2_true[1,1];
b_true[12]= theta_2_true[1,2];
b_true[13]= theta_2_true[2,1];
b_true[14]= theta_2_true[2,2];
#set up Cov matrix for shocks to measures
sigma_1_true = 0.3;
b_true[15] = log(sigma_1_true);
sigma_2_true = 0.1;
b_true[17] = log(sigma_2_true);
#cov btw 1 &2:
b_true[16]= 1.02;
cov12_true = -sqrt(sigma_1_true)sqrt(sigma_2_true) + 2*sqrt(sigma_1_true)sqrt(sigma_2_true)*(exp(b_true[16]))/(1+exp(b_true[16])); #ensuring pos semi def cov matrix
mean_price_true = 0.0;
b_true[18] = mean_price_true;
rm_true = [0.1 -0.3 0.2];
b_true[19:21] = rm_true;
rf_true = [0.0 0.2 0.1];
b_true[22:24] = rf_true;
risk_true = 0.05;
b_true[25] = log(risk_true);
return b_true
b_true = SetTrueParams();
Rawout = SimRawData(b_true);
igrid = Vector{Integer}(1:length(b_true));
ical = deleteat!(igrid,1);
b_cal = b_true[ical];
b_est = [b_true[1]+.01;
@time loglikepr(b_est,b_cal,ical,Rawout.up_data,Rawout.down_match_ret, Rawout.wages_match, Rawout.measures_match)