Hello, I was hoping to get some advice regarding how to properly go about Pre-allocating outputs for a more complicated example and speeding a function. I’ve read through others’ posts and the performance guide but was still having some trouble eliminating a garbage problem/performance issues with respect to my do_rotation function.
In my do_rotation function, M_in, B1, M_out are all an 1x3 array so I believe I should be able to do something similar to the example in the performance guide but I am struggling seeing how to best go about it as the way I tried to implement hasn’t done much to improve performance. What would be a good way to go about making this calculation be performed in place? Would it be better to break up this function even further (dividing it at each .+ respectively), i.e. more gate-way functions?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciate! Eventually I would like to evolve sim into something that can implement it on multi-threads or ideally GPUs so any recommendations at this stage would be greatly appreciated!
Below I’ve included a clip showing the @profiler results and a working copy of the code as well.
using LinearAlgebra
function do_rotation!(M_out::Array{Float64,1},M_in::Array{Float64,1},
B1::Array{Float64,1}, θ::Float64)
M_out .=
M_in .* cos(θ) .+ cross(B1./norm(B1), M_in) .* sin(θ) .+
B1./norm(B1) .* dot(B1./norm(B1), M_in) .* (1 - cos(θ))
function B1_vec!(B1::Array{Float64,1}, b1::Complex{Float64}, X::Float64,
B1[1] = real(b1)
B1[2] = imag(b1)
B1[3] = X*G + F
function sim(X::Array{Float64,1},resol::Float64,b1::Array{Complex{Float64},1},G::Array{Float64,1},
F::Array{Float64,1} ,M::Array{Float64,2},
Output = Array{Float64}(undef, 3, length(X))
B1 = Array{Float64,1}(undef, 3)
M_out = Array{Float64,1}(undef,3)
for x in eachindex(X)
for tt = 1:length(b1)-1
B1_vec!(B1, b1[tt], X[x], G[tt], F[tt])
if abs(norm(B1)*resol) != 0.0
do_rotation!(M_out,M[:, tt], B1, norm(B1) * resol)
M[:, tt+1] = M_out
M[:, tt+1] = M[:, tt]
Output[:, x] .= M[:, end]
return Output
time_pts = 1000;
x_pts = 100;
resol = 4e-5;
X = collect(range(-10/2,10/2,length = x_pts));
B = zeros(ComplexF64,time_pts);
G = ones(time_pts)
F = ones(time_pts)
M = Array{Float64}(undef,3,time_pts);
M[1,:] = zeros(Float64,time_pts);
M[2,:] = zeros(Float64,time_pts);
M[3,1] = 0.5;
Output = @profiler sim(X,resol,B,G,F,M)