Poll: planning new Julia HPC Call

The Julia HPC call doubles!

The Julia HPC community runs a monthly call (see the Julia community calendar), on the fourth Tuesday of the month, to gather people interested in using Julia in the HPC domain, answer questions, or discuss plans for the future. This is quite successful, but it’s scheduled at a time (19:00 UTC during winter, 18:00 UTC during the summer) which is convenient mainly for people based in the American time zones, so we’re considering to organise another call at a different time/day, which would be somewhat more convenient for people in the Asian/European/African time zones.

What you have to do

If you’re potentially interested in attending the new meeting, please fill in the following Doodle to plan the first event (make sure your timezone is selected!):

You don’t have to be an expert in either Julia or the HPC domain to join the call, you may be just curious about this intersection, or may want to get some help from others. Unfortunately we will not be able to make everyone happy with the new timing, but we’re trying to include more people.