I created a small package called ProblematicAnimals.jl to demonstrate a problem I’m having with Pluto.jl notebooks. I sincerely hope a solution to this can be found.
Defined outside of Pluto
abstract type AbstractAnimal end
struct Cat <: AbstractAnimal end
sound(cat::Cat) = "meow"
why(a::AbstractAnimal) = sound(a)
It should work like this.
julia> cat = Cat()
julia> sound(cat)
julia> why(cat)
However, I can’t get a subtype defined in a notebook to work.
From inside Pluto.jl:
struct Pig <: AbstractAnimal end
sound(pig::Pig) = "oink"
pig = Pig()
sound(pig) # "oink"
why(pig) # The `sound(pig::Pig)` function is invisible to the why(a) function.
- How can I get
to work in a Pluto.jl notebook? - I’ve provided a notebook that you can try for yourself in Pluto.jl to see the problem yourself.