I’m having fun writing all my code in Pluto, and I’d like to add some graphical bells and whistles. In Python/Jupyter, I’ve done this by overloading repr_html or repr_svg. Is there something similar in Julia? I see as_html
and as_svg
in the PlutoUI tutorial, and I also see a lot of references to overloading show
with a specific MIME type in the PlutoUI/Images.jl module. Can someone give me pointers on where to start? If this is something where I should leverage existing code rather than writing this myself, please also let me know. I fear I’ve reached the end of my productive googling.
Discovered the following doctest in the PlutoUI source code:
Show(MIME"text/html"(), "I can be <b>rendered</b> as <em>HTML</em>!")
Tried the analogous
Show(MIME"image/svg+xml"(), txtsvg)
with txtsvg
equal to a simple SVG string, but it didn’t work .
Also found Compose.jl, which looks great, but might be more complex than what I’m looking for.
cc @fonsp
If I understand correctly, this is a typical case where multiple dispatch is used. Basically, each library defines it’s own
function show(io::IO, m::MIME"some_mime", x::T)
where some_mime
can be MIME"text/html"
and the type T
is some object defined by the library. Then, Pluto will just call
show(io, m, object)
and Julia figures out which show
method needs to be called exactly. (Julia will try to do this by the most specific method possible or fall back to printing it as a string if no specific method for some type is known.)
For example, in Gadfly:
function show(io::IO, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", p::Plot)
buf = IOBuffer()
svg = SVG(buf, Compose.default_graphic_width,
Compose.default_graphic_height, false)
draw(svg, p)
show(io, m, svg)
You can find many more examples in other libraries.
Note that the type, here, is important. If you passed a simple SVG string as a literal String
, then Julia will print it as a string.
To answer this question, what kind of objects do you want to show?
Thank you very much for your response. To answer what kind of objects I want to show, there are several, but I’m initially interested in being able to make graphical descriptions of quantum circuits, the kind of thing that Yao does here. I realize this already exists, but I’m trying to understand Julia and Pluto a little bit more by rewriting some of the utilities I’ve written in python in the past, and I had a cute little routine that used matplotlib to plot out quantum circuits in just a few hundred loc.
Like I said, I did that one using matplotlib, but I could have just as easy done this in pure SVG. I had another little python script here that overloaded repr_svg to draw svg figures in Jupyter notebooks. I know that the ProfileSVG module uses SVG to visualize the FlameGraphs, so I thought that could be a good approach, but I got lost in looking through the source to see how they manage to display their SVG files.
I see that Yao uses Compose.jl, which looks beautiful, and may be the best way to go, but before I use someone else’s solution, I’d like to understand the mechanics a little bit better. It was a real lightbulb moment for me when I realized that all of those cool Jupyter notebook plugins just overloaded repr_svg or repr_html, and it was fun to have that kind of fluency with the Python/Jupyter code.
For the record, what I tried to do with the SVG string was to define the SVG string:
txtsvg = """<svg height="100" width="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" fill="red" />
and to then call
but that didn’t work. I also don’t understand why there are function parens after the MIME"image/svg+xml"()
string literal.
…and after some more googling around, this section of the manual on custom pretty printing is what I needed to read.
What I hadn’t understood is that I need to define not only show(io,obj)
but other show types as well, for example show(io,::MIME"text/plain",obj)
and show(io,::MIME"text/html",obj)
The latter appears to be called to display objects in Pluto notebooks. How do I control when the MIME"image/svg+xml"
is displayed?
For example, does Pluto default by trying to show the object as an image, and then fall back to showing it as html?
For reasons I don’t yet understand, when my objects lacked a MIME"text/html
method, Pluto didn’t call the normal show(io,obj)
, but fell back to a 3-argument method of AbstractArray
As far as I understand, the MIME types state how the browser shows the output data. So, for an object of type T
, it doesn’t make sense to define two different output MIME types.
See the documentation of show
via ?show
. It depends on the type of the third parameter (the object). The behavior is not really Pluto specific. Pluto just calls show(io, mime, x)
and Julia calls the most applicable show
The type of textsvg is a string, so show(io, mime, obj::String)
will be called. Instead, you could define your own type
struct MySVG
and your own show
function show(io::IO, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", obj::MySVG)
Thanks again for your responses. I think I have the basics now, and I’ll play around defining some types to see how to draw them. Thanks!
Sorry, I thought I had this, but I’m still being dense.
You say:
I’m just being stupid, but everything I put inside the show() block comes out as a string. I can write a proper svg xml file, and can test that the file is written correctly. But the only way I know how to include this is to cast it to a string and then write/show/print it as a string, which doesn’t work for the reasons you cite above the section I quoted.
E.g., if I have
function Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", obj::MySVG)
MySVG("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg width="40" height="40" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<g style="fill-opacity:1.0; stroke:black; stroke-width:1;">
<line x1="5" y1="5" x2="25" y2="25"/>
it doesn’t work. Any hints as to what I’m doing wrong?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Nevermind. Turns out that
in the show() works. print
also works here, but show
doesn’t. I think the difference is that when I call show()
I’m asking the interpreter to reinterpret this, and it sees and handles a string. Whereas if I just write the text to io, it ?? does the correct thing???
I’m happy to hear that you got further Unfortunately, I’m unsure what is now the unexpected behavior with the
. Could you post a MWE (Please read: make it easier to help you)?
Sure thing. Following the code you posted…
struct MySVG
function Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", obj::MySVG)
write(io,obj.x) # also works with print(io,obj.x), but not show(io,obj.x)
MySVG("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg width="40" height="40" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<g style="fill-opacity:1.0; stroke:black; stroke-width:1;">
<line x1="5" y1="5" x2="25" y2="25"/>
See the comment after the write command on the 5th line of code: This displays an SVG image in Pluto if I use write(io,obj.x)
or print(io,obj.x)
, but not if I use show(io,obj.x)
. The best guess I can make as to why this happens is that if I call show
, the interpreter goes through the whole cycle again, decides it’s handling a string, and calls something else, whereas with print/write
it just prints straight to io
Does that make sense?
show(io::IO, mime, x)
it is only necessary to define a new `show` method for T, via:
`show(io, ::MIME"mime", x::T) = ...`, where `mime` is a MIME-type string and
the function body calls `write` (or similar) ...
You could also make use of Compose’s types/functions. Note Compose will add it’s own svg header to the file.
using Compose
img = SVG(40mm, 40mm)
# img = SVG("test.svg", 40mm, 40mm)
write(img.out, """<g style="fill-opacity:1.0; stroke:black; stroke-width:1;">
<line x1="0" y1="0" x2="40" y2="40"/></g></svg>""")
as you’ve figured it out, just implement show(io::IO, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", c)
. It’s simpley
using Compose
struct DrawConfig
import Base
function Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"image/svg+xml", d::DrawConfig)
backend = SVG(io, d.width, d.height)
draw(backend, d.c)
DrawConfig(compose(compose(context(), rectangle()), fill("tomato")), 4cm, 4cm)
done, and pluto just call show for you
the good thing about that is you never needs to touch svg. Until you want native interaction from browser, that you have to inject some attributes and more likely, js code script element, this could be done by combining Compose, specically draw part, with some xml package, like EzXML.jl