Pluto: how to number equations in LaTeX mode

I should just publish my package in the General Registry so it’s easier for people to use it (you may notice that I already changed the name to PlutoUtilities to avoid a conflict with another existing package with the name PlutoUtils in the JuliaPluto organization)

Thanks for considering publishing this package :+1:
As for the name, I couldn’t disambiguate PlutoUtilities and PlutoUtils from memory,
so maybe DisberdPlutoUtilities ? (other inspiration can be found in the guidelines)
Especially if the following statement

The code in this notebook is made to be viewed with my personal fork of Pluto

is still valid ?
Hopefully not, since the interactive Table of Contents is attractive !

Hi @ederag,
I would rather avoid putting my nickname in front of the package so maybe something like PlutoTools or PlutoHacks might be better.

Regarding the mention to the personal Pluto fork is not valid anymore since Implement @skip_as_script functionality inside cell metadata by disberd · Pull Request #2018 · fonsp/Pluto.jl · GitHub has been merged last week.
I just have to update the various notebooks to adopt the new synthax for flagging cells as exclusive that is slightly different from the one I had in my fork.