Pluto: how to number equations in LaTeX mode

Thanks for spotting this.
It was actually a bug in the code.

try this updated cell code for the counter javascript code

@htl """
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-Um5gpz1odJg5Z4HAmzPtgZKdTBHZdw8S29IecapCSB31ligYPhHQZMIlWLYQGVoc" crossorigin="anonymous">

a.eq_href {
	text-decoration: none;

		<script src="" integrity="sha384-YNHdsYkH6gMx9y3mRkmcJ2mFUjTd0qNQQvY9VYZgQd7DcN7env35GzlmFaZ23JGp" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<script id="katex-eqnum-script">

const a_vec = [] // This will hold the list of a tags with custom click, used for cleaning listeners up upon invalidation

const eqrefClick = (e) => {
	e.preventDefault() // This prevent normal scrolling to link
	const a =
	const eq_id = a.getAttribute('eq_id')
	window.location.hash = 'eqref-' + eq_id // This is to be able to use the back function to resume previous view, 'eqref-' is added in front to avoid the viewport actually going to the equation without having control of the scroll
	const eq = document.getElementById(eq_id)
		behavior: 'smooth',
		block: 'center',

const checkCounter = (item, i) => {
	return item.classList.contains('enclosing')	?
	i											:
	i + 1

const updateCallback = () => {
a_vec.splice(0,a_vec.length) // Reset the array
const eqs = document.querySelectorAll('span.enclosing, span.eqn-num')
let i = 0;
eqs.forEach(item => {
	i = checkCounter(item,i)
	if (item.classList.contains('enclosing')) {
		const id =
		const a_vals = document.querySelectorAll(`[eq_id=\${id}]`)
		a_vals !== null && a_vals.forEach(a => {
			a_vec.push(a) // Add this to the vector
			a.innerText = `(\${i+1})`

const notebook = document.querySelector("pluto-notebook")

// We have a mutationobserver for each cell:
const observers = {
	current: [],

const createCellObservers = () => {
	observers.current.forEach((o) => o.disconnect())
	observers.current = Array.from(notebook.querySelectorAll("pluto-cell")).map(el => {
		const o = new MutationObserver(updateCallback)
		o.observe(el, {attributeFilter: ["class"]})
		return o

// And one for the notebook's child list, which updates our cell observers:
const notebookObserver = new MutationObserver(() => {
notebookObserver.observe(notebook, {childList: true})

invalidation.then(() => {
	observers.current.forEach((o) => o.disconnect())
	a_vec.forEach(a => a.removeEventListener('click',eqrefClick))

I have also updated the reference notebook on github