Plotting solution on unstructured mesh along a cartesian line in VoronoiFVM.jl

Dear all,

I am very happy that I came across VoronoiFVM.jl because it makes the development of a fully-implicit numerical simulation based on the finite volume method so much easier.

Because I would like to resolve electrical double layers inside a channel, I would like to have a mesh with a higher resolution towards that interface. The appended image shows an example of such a mesh.

My question, however, is regarding plotting/exporting the solution computed using VoronoiFVM.jl.

  • For the given mesh, I would for example like to make a plot of one of my primary variables along the y-axis from y = 4 to y = 5. I looked at scalarplot!() in GridVisualize.jl or its usage in examples but I couldn’t find how to do it.

I would be very happy to have a little example or description of how I can plot or extract (doesn’t need to be a plot directly) along a certain cartesian line.

Thank you very much in advance for your answers and have a nice week!


Hi, this feature is on the way: Add high level methods for sliceplot and lineplot by pjaap · Pull Request #65 · WIAS-PDELib/GridVisualize.jl · GitHub . I guess we will be done in a week or so.



Oh, wow - that’s exactly what I need. Thank you very much for adding this functionality. I’m looking forward to using it and once again, thank you very much for the great package(s).


Now it’s there: