this is my code
2 wind = CSV.File(WindGenFile) |> DataFrame
3 rename!(wind, :" REGION" => :Region, :“DATE & TIME” => :DateTime, :" ACTUAL WIND(MW)" => :ActualWind, :" FORECAST REGION(MW)" => :ForecastWind)
6 windVectors = map([wind]) do df
7 select!(df, Not([Region]))
8 map([:ForecastWind, :ActualWind]) do data
9 df[!,data] = map(df[!,data]) do d
10 d == “-” ? missing : typeof(d) == Int ? d : parse(Int,d)
11 end
12 end
windDates = wind[:,:DateTime] ;
16 windDates = [(s[1:end-6]) for s in windDates]
17 windDates = [replace (s, “January” => “1”, “February” => 2, “March” => 3,“April”
=> 4, “May”=> 5, “June” => 6, “July” => 7, “August”’ => 8, “September” => 9,
“October” => 10, “November => 11”, “December” => 12) for s in windDates]
18 WindDateFormat = Dates.DateFormat(“dd mm yyyy”)
19 windDates = [Dates.Date(s, WindDateFormat) for s in windDates]
20 StringwindDates = string.(windDates);
22 Monday1 = findfirst(x → x == “2023-10-30”, StringwindDates)
23 Monday2 = findfirst(x → x == “2023-11-06”, StringwindDates)
24 Monday3 = findfirst(x → x == “2023-11-13”, StringwindDates)
25 Monday4 = findfirst(x → x == “2023-11-20”, StringwindDates)
26 Monday5 = findfirst(x → x == “2023-11-27”, StringwindDates)
27 Index0fMondays = [Monday1, Monday2, Monday3, Monday4, Monday5]
28 Dates0fMondays = [StringwindDates[i] for i = [Index0fMondays]]
29 Dates0fMondays = DatesOfMondays [1]
31 windForecast = windVectors [1][1]
32 windActual = windVectors [1][2]
33 Forecast = windForecast
34 Actual = windActual
36 range = 1:length(windForecast)
I am getting a syntax error and I don’t know what it is. Before this code I have 2 other cell blocks, the first one is ‘’‘using CSV, DataFrames, CairoMakie, Dates’‘’ and the second one is WindGenFile and then the file location.