Pkg downtime incident

People who already have a git cloned ~/.julia/registries/General will continue to use git to update the registry, but only the registry. This should not make a significant difference and has no impact on this incident since registry updates were not broken. If you want to use Pkg protocol for General registry updates, you can delete ~/.julia/registries/General.


Do you have a reference for this? Since GitHub endorses shallow clones in their GitHub actions where it is implemented in that way I would totally have assumed it is fine. I could not find any official statement from GitHub for this.

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They may have fixed it since.


Issues Cloning Spec repo - GitHub taking a very long time to download changes to the Specs Repo · Issue #4989 · CocoaPods/CocoaPods · GitHub

Thanks! It seems they were talking 4 years ago about high-frequency
(~10^6/week) fetches for a single repository consisting of a large amount
(~10^4) of subdirectories and subsequent usage of non-shallow fetches that in
total lead to more load than a full clone.

It is probably good to be cautious, but the reference does not seem to be
general advice, especially since Julia is moving away from GitHub as a CDN

Is it again possible/safe to register new packages using JuliaRegistrator?
