At INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée, we are looking for a motivated student interested in pursuing a PhD on applying algorithmic techniques to the problem of compressing artificial neural networks, or related problems. Example themes include: compressing the network via pruning and weight-sharing techniques, designing communication-efficient training algorithms for neural networks on distributed models, investigating principles behind neural network generalization.
The ideal candidate has a solid background in algorithms or related areas of theoretical computer science, and is a passionate programmer. The balance between theoretical research and programming is flexible.
(Yes, since I’m writing here, we are favorable to Julia as the programming language of the project(s).)
The institute is located near Nice, France, in the beautiful area of the Côte d’Azur, and the candidate will also have the opportunity to collaborate with the IRIF Laboratory in Paris, and visit it regularly.
The position is available until filled. The starting date is around
October 2020. To apply, the candidate should send me an email with his/her CV, motivation letter and reference letters.
Please do not hesitate to ask me any further information and
feel free to advertise the position to students who may be interested.