Ph.D. in constrained optimization and learning - Inria & University Grenoble Alpes

I am looking for a Ph.D. student starting this fall (september / october), together with Jérôme Malick and Panayotis Mertikopoulous to work at the intersection of discrete and constrained nonlinear optimization motivated by learning and broadly speaking, robust AI.

My research is pretty computational-flavoured, with the development of algorithms and solvers for general or special problem classes, with for instance some work on SCIP or FrankWolfe.jl. You can check some of my recent papers on google scholar for a better idea. We will jointly build a specific Ph.D. topic with the candidate based on the profile, topic affinity, and goals.

The candidate will integrate the Grenoble Computer Science Lab (LIG) within Université Grenoble Alpes and work between the POLARIS and DAO groups.
Ph.D. students are employed with a work contract and a salary (not a scholarship).

Profile: background in computer science, applied maths, operations research or a related field, basic familiarity with constrained optimization is expected.

The position will be opened until a suitable candidate has been found, applicants can reach out at mathieu dot besancon at


Hello, @mbesancon ! Has the position been filled already?

Hi! Yes we got a lot of very talented applicants and will close the opening, thank you for your interest, and to those who shared the offer around!