I recently changed job and I am now working in a company doing data science stuff with heavy emphasis on geospatial timeseries.
I work with two statisticians that have so far implemented everything in R, and occasionally some Python.
After familiarizing myself with R and realizing just how horribly slow it is, I looked around for alternatives and got very excited about Julia - although I’m afraid we cannot adopt it because the Geo libraries are still at an early development level.
in any case, I wanted to try Julia anyway, so I rewrote in it a small Python script that basically consists on three nested for loops, each of which iterates over MongoDB queries.
I was surprised to find out that the resulting Julia script is about 50% slower than the equivalent Python script.
I tried to follow all the guidelines in the “performance tips” page, but to no avail.
I can certainly post the code, if it can help, but is it possible that this is intrinsically a bad benchmark because of the use of Dicts?
Should I try constructing the BSON directly instead?