my problem is to complete partition_data(strain::AbstractArray, stress::AbstractArray) in Julia. In this function, the strain/stress arguments are Arrays that contain the entire stress and strain data only on the processor running the Julia REPL. This function should distribute the strain/stress data to all processors available by turning them into DistributedArrays.
I have the code using MPI, how can I convert it to array distribution? I tried to convert the strain and stress arrays to distributed arrays but I’m confused how to do the partition.
function partition_data(strain::AbstractArray, stress::AbstractArray, comm::MPI.Comm)
rank = MPI.Comm_rank(comm)
size = MPI.Comm_size(comm)
len = length(strain)
lengths = nothing
offset = nothing
if rank == 0
remainder = len % size
chunk_size = len ÷ size
lengths = ones(Int, size) .* chunk_size
lengths[1:remainder] .*= 1
lengths[2:end] .+= 1
offset = zeros(Int, size)
offset[2:end] = cumsum(lengths)[1:end-1] .- collect(1:size-1)
lengths = MPI.bcast(lengths, 0, comm)
offset = MPI.bcast(offset, 0, comm)
my_stress = Vector{Float64}(undef, lengths[rank+1])
my_strain = Vector{Float64}(undef, lengths[rank+1])
MPI.Scatterv!(MPI.VBuffer(strain, lengths, offset, MPI.DOUBLE), my_strain, 0, comm)
MPI.Scatterv!(MPI.VBuffer(stress, lengths, offset, MPI.DOUBLE), my_stress, 0, comm)
(my_strain, my_stress)