Package problems during CI testing (github actions)

I’ve setup continuous integration for several packages that I’ve written. For a new package, I’m getting an error that I can’t debug (see image). (Here is the new packjage: GitHub - glwhart/Spacey.jl: Spacegroup finder utility for crystals (useful for density functional theory codes and computational materials science))

The new package requires MinkowskiReduction.jl (a registered package that I wrote). The error message seems to suggest that all versions of Minkowski reduction are incompatible with the Julia versions compatible with the new package (but it works just fine by itself, including the CI testing).

MinkowskiReduction.jl is compatible (according to my Project.toml) with julia v1.2 and above. And that is the version of julia in my project.toml for the new package as well. Perhaps I’m misreading the error messages. Can anyone help me understand what is wrong?

Project.toml of new package:

julia = "1.2"

Project.toml of MinkowskiReduction.jl package

julia = "1.2"

The registry doesn’t agree: here it says MinkowskiReduction.jl requires Julia v1.5:

And for example this is the content of your Project.toml on v1.1.0:

Thanks Mosè. I must have changed it and not done a new tag. I was just trying to be generous with older versions. If I tag a new version of MinkowskiReduction, with a lower version of julia, that won’t cause problems, right?

Yes, that should be fine. In general, narrowing the range of supported versions of Julia requires a bump of the minor version, I don’t know if there are rules for widening the range, that’s probably a less common case, but if you want to stay safe and avoid having the bot yelling at you, you can bump also in this case the minor version number.

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I was never able to get the tests to pass, even after changing both repos back to julia v1.5 in the project.toml…UNTIL I bumped the minor version of MinkowskiReduction.jl. Now the the pkgBuild part of the CI unit tests are working in Spacey.jl. Thank you for your help.

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