Package precompilation logs/profiling

Hello! I have a julia package in a public github repo (GitHub - mihaicostin34/S2MPJ.jl) and when adding it through the REPL I get high precompilation times (just adding the precompTest branch takes 133 seconds). Is there any way I can get some more detailed logs/do some profiling and see what causes it to take so long?

I am no expert on this but honestly I don’t think there is much you can do here. You have basically no external dependencies that need to be precompiled. It is just a lot of code :open_mouth: And Julia needs some time to process that. But the good thing is that it should need that much time only once when adding and afterwards it can just load the precompiled files.

Which Julia version are you using btw? Newer versions are generally faster.

I see :smiling_face_with_tear: I am using julia 1.11