As of today, these are the top 25 most committal Julia package devs:
# | User | Top Packages | Commits | ||
1 | ChrisRackauckas | OrdinaryDiffEq | DifferentialEquat… | DiffEqBase | 7071 |
2 | JeffreySarnoff | DoubleFloats | ArbFloats | TimesDates | 6758 |
3 | timholy | Images | JLD | HDF5 | 6549 |
4 | SimonDanisch | GLVisualize | GLAbstraction | Makie | 5327 |
5 | MikeInnes | Flux | CodeTools | Jewel | 4572 |
6 | dlfivefifty | ApproxFun | SingularIntegralE… | BandedMatrices | 4355 |
7 | mlubin | JuMP | ReverseDiffSparse | MathProgBase | 3912 |
8 | blegat | MathOptInterface | Polyhedra | JuMP | 3199 |
9 | joshday | OnlineStats | SparseRegression | AverageShiftedHis… | 2925 |
10 | shashi | Escher | JuliaDB | Dagger | 2898 |
11 | maleadt | CUDAnative | CUDAdrv | LLVM | 2814 |
12 | wbhart | AbstractAlgebra | Nemo | Hecke | 2808 |
13 | lindahua | Distributions | NumericExtensions | StatsBase | 2745 |
14 | davidanthoff | Query | Mimi | VegaLite | 2666 |
15 | quinnj | HTTP | ODBC | CSV | 2418 |
16 | denizyuret | Knet | AutoGrad | CUDNN | 2385 |
17 | tkelman | CoinOptServices | AbstractFFTs | Maracas | 2329 |
18 | Keno | Cxx | Gallium | Maracas | 2295 |
19 | rdeits | DrakeVisualizer | MeshCat | RigidBodyTreeInsp… | 2270 |
20 | tkoolen | RigidBodyDynamics | RigidBodySim | Parametron | 2231 |
21 | jakebolewski | LibGit2 | OpenCL | JuliaParser | 2107 |
22 | dehann | Caesar | IncrementalInference | RoME | 2083 |
23 | simonster | DSP | JLD2 | JLD | 1959 |
24 | stevengj | PyCall | IJulia | PyPlot | 1958 |
25 | goedman | PtFEM | Stan | NumericalMethodsf… | 1955 |
// now just try telling that to their significant others