Hello I am trying to Plot the orbit diagram of the famous logistic map to see the change into chaos of the model.
The Code runs fine, but does to produce a Plot som somehow
I followed the Code from this Julia-Github: Orbit Diagrams & PSOS - DynamicalSystems.jl
Also I tried the implementation of this Julia Video: Intro to dynamical systems in Julia - YouTube (27 Min)
My Code is:
ds = Systems.logistic()
i = 1
pvalues = 2:0.001:4
ics = [rand() for m in 1:10]
n = 50
Ttr = 5000
p_index = 1
output = orbitdiagram(ds, i, p_index, pvalues; n = n, Ttr = Ttr)
for (j, p) in enumerate(pvalues)
plot(p .* ones(length(output[j])), output[j], lw = 0, marker = "o",
ms = 0.2, color = "black")
xlabel("\$r\$"); ylabel("\$x\$")