Hello, I am plotting the bifurcation diagram for the logistic map f_{\mu}(x)=\mu x (1-x) using the Plots.jl package, and would like to make it interactive with the plotlyjs() backend. However, when I try calling plotlyjs(), it gives me a blank plot. The code works fine when I use the default backend.
My program creates a vector of parameters, and then for every parameter it stores iterated values from an initial point into a matrix, which is then plotted against the parameters vector to create the bifurcation diagram. I figure the problem is my use of matrices, since I can use pyplotjs() in other programs, but I am not sure how to fix that issue. I have put my full code below if anyone would like to try it out. I am using the latest version of Julia.
using Plots
global x0=0.1 #initial value between 0 and 1
f(x,μ)=μ*x*(1-x) #logistic map
firstParam=0.01 #first paramater
lastParam=4 #last paramater
numParams = 2000 #number of parameters to graph
iter=2000 #number of iterations from initial value to get to attracting points
iterKeep=500 #number of iterations to graph
params=range(firstParam, lastParam, length=numParams) #paramaters
values=zeros(numParams) #initialize vector that will contain the iterations from initial point
for n in 1:numParams
μ=params[n] #nth paramater
for m in 1:iter
x=f(x,μ) #iterate an iter amount of times
values[n]=x #store iterated value in "values"
orbit=zeros(numParams, iterKeep) #initialize matrix which will contain attracting points
for n in 1:numParams
orbit[n,1]=x #set first point to f^[0](x)=x
for m in 2:iterKeep #set mth point to be f^[m-1](x)
orbit[n,m]=x #store value
scatter(params, orbit, markersize=0.01, legend=false, color=false, title="Bifurcation Diagram", xlabel="Parameters", ylabel="Attractors")
#plot points, set graphical size of points to 0.01 pixels, remove legend, make the graph color black, and label the graph.