I’m trying to optimize the following very performance-critical piece of code:
using Memoization, Statistics, LinearAlgebra, Tullio, LoopVectorization
gpdfit(sample::AbstractArray, wip::Bool = true, min_grid_pts::Int = 30, wip = true, sort_sample::Bool = true)
Given a sample, estimate the parameters \$ξ\$ and \$\\sigma\$ of the
generalized Pareto distribution (GPD), assuming the location parameter
is 0. The fit uses a weak prior for \$ξ\$, which will stabilize estimates
for very small sample sizes (and low effective sample sizes in the case of
MCMC samples). The weakly informative prior is a Gaussian centered at 0.5.
# Arguments
- `sample::AbstractArray`: A numeric vector. The sample from which to estimate the parameters.
- `wip::Bool = true`: Logical indicating whether to adjust \$ξ\$ based on a weakly
informative Gaussian prior centered on 0.5. Defaults to true.
- `min_grid_pts::Int = 30`: The minimum number of grid points used in the fitting
algorithm. The actual number used is `min_grid_pts + floor(sqrt(length(sample)))`.
- `sort_sample::Bool = true`: If `true`, the first step in the fitting
algorithm is to sort the elements of `sample`. If `sample` is already
sorted in ascending order then `sort_sample` can be set to `false` to
skip the initial sorting step.
# Returns
- `ξ, σ`: The estimated parameters of the generalized Pareto distribution.
# Note
The parameter \$ξ\$ is the negative of \$k\$ in [zhangNewEfficientEstimation2009](@cite).
A slightly different quantile interpolation is used than in the paper.
function gpdfit(sample::AbstractVector, wip::Bool = true, min_grid_pts::Int = 30, sort_sample::Bool = true)
n = length(sample)
# sample must be sorted, but we can skip if sample is already sorted
if sort_sample
sample = sort(sample)
prior = 3.0
m = min_grid_pts + isqrt(n) # isqrt = floor sqrt
n_0 = 10.0 # determines how strongly to nudge ξ towards .5
quartile = sample[(n+2) ÷ 4]
# build pointwise estimates of k and θ by using each element of the sample.
@turbo θHats = @. 1 / sample[n] + (1 - sqrt(m / (Base.OneTo(m) - .5))) / prior / quartile
@tullio grad=false ξHats[x] := log1p(- θHats[x] * sample[y])
@turbo logLikelihood = @. n * log(-n * θHats / ξHats) - ξHats - n # Calculate log-likelihood at each estimate
@tullio grad=false weights[y] := exp(logLikelihood[x] - logLikelihood[y]) |> inv # Calculate weights from log-likelihood
θHat = weights ⋅ θHats # Take the dot product of weights and pointwise estimates of θ to get the full estimate
ξ = mean(log1p.(- θHat .* sample))
σ = -ξ / θHat
# Drag towards .5 to reduce variance for small n
if wip
ξ = (ξ * n + .5 * n_0) / (n + n_0)
return ξ, σ
A representative example of the kind of input this might be used on is randexp(1000)
. Are there any further improvements that could be made?