This should be close to a MWE:
function choice_prob_naive(θ, r, x, y, R, c, d, p0)
α = θ[1]
βX = θ[2:5]
βY = θ[6:10]
γ0 = θ[11]
γ1 = θ[12:16]
sqrtτ = θ[17]
logκ = θ[18]
s(ϵ1) = d + 1/sqrtτ * ϵ1
p(ϵ1) = p0/(p0 + (1 - p0) * exp((0.5 - s(ϵ1))*sqrtτ^2))
Eu(ϵ1) = α*r + x'*βX + y'*βY + 0.05*α*R*r - ((γ0 + y'*γ1)*(1 - c) + 0.05*α*(1 + r - c))*p(ϵ1) - (logκ - 1) # risk-retention status included
integrand(ϵ1) = normcdf(0, 1, Eu(ϵ1))*(1/sqrt(2*π)*exp(-(ϵ1^2)/2))
(expectation, err) = quadgk(ϵ -> integrand(ϵ), -4, 4, rtol = 0.001)
return expectation
function loglike(θ, x, y, R, c, d, p0, B)
prob = zeros(size(B,1))
Threads.@threads for i = 1:size(B,1) # parallel this loop: 2x faster
prob[i] = choice_prob_naive(θ, r[i], x[i,:], y[i,:], R[i], c[i], d[i], p0[i])
negloglike = - (B'*log.(prob) + (1 .- B)'*log.(1 .- prob))
return negloglike
alpha = 0.001;
betaX = [0.02; 0.1;0.00001;0.02];
betaY = [0.00005; -0.01; -0.1; 0.25; 0.11]
gamma0 = 0.05;
gamma1 = [0.1; -0.05; -0.0; -0.1; -0.1];
tau = 1;
kappa = 2;
theta = [alpha; betaX; betaY; gamma0; gamma1; tau; kappa];
@time theta_naive = optimize(θ -> loglike(θ, x, y, R, c, d, p0, B), theta, BFGS(), Optim.Options(g_tol = 1e-2, iterations=100_000, show_trace=true, show_every=1))
A 100 observation sample can be loaded from below:
string_representation = String(take!(CSV.write(io, convert(DataFrame, data_df))))
df =;
r = df.x1;
x = [df.x2 df.x3 df.x4 df.x5];
y = [df.x6 df.x7 df.x8 df.x9 df.x10];
R = df.x11;
c = df.x12;
q = df.x13;
d = df.x14;
p0 = df.x15;
B = df.x16;
By the way, is it still possible to get the Hessian matrix in this case?