On work environments and noise

That is so interesting. On rare but occasion, I do think about unseen (or in general, unsensed) things having an affect on us. Hidden variables in a way. Impacting our mood, our mentality, our effectiveness, etc.

I’ve tried having YouTube rain noises or the like as background noise. But I guess the coherent behaviour of noise addition doesn’t fully remove the neighbourhood dog’s barking.

On that note,

I’ve started trying to tolerate using my Sony XMHSDFSDFH12345 noise cancelling headphones (I can’t remember the label) as a blocker from neighbourhood noise. The pressure it induces is annoying, and the weight on my head not nice, but it’s still nicer than the irritation I feel from the barking dogs or neighbour’s washing machine vibrations. I can’t do earphones, the feeling of something in my earholes bothers me significantly. So, no Loops for me.

Still good to double check things we thought might’ve been unrelated. So still, thank you for bringing up your points you made.

In terms of fault, I agree. For the circumstances I’ve been struggling with, I’ve never attributed it to one person or one factor. Remove one factor, and the problem is gone, but remove a different factor, and the problem is also gone. Also, for some other factors, remove one and the problem is lessened but not gone. Either way large issues can commonly be multifaceted and multifactored.

Thank you. You also are just fine, have a great day! =)