Gurobi has a function to obtain a Irreducible Inconsistent Subsystem (ISS), which refers to a subset of equations causing infeasibility. This obviously comes in very handy when debugging your problem.
I succeeded to compute the ISS for a JuMP problem with the following code, but I fail to obtain the actual equations causing infeasibility.
using JuMP, Gurobi
model = Model(with_optimizer(Gurobi.Optimizer))@variable(model, x >= 0)
@variable(model, y >= 0)@constraint(model, con1, x + y <= 3)
@constraint(model, con2, x + y >= 5)
@objective(model, Min, x)
optimize!(model)grb_model = model.moi_backend.optimizer.model.inner
Actually, there is an extensive GitHub thread on this topic here providing two ways to obtain the IIS:
The first one is from back from 2017 and probably outdated. It’s posted below and returns MethodError: no method matching Array{Int32,N} where N(::Int64)
on Gurobi.get_intattrarray
in my example.
num_constrs = Gurobi.num_constrs(grb_model)
iis_constrs = Gurobi.get_intattrarray(grb_model, “IISConstr”, 1, num_constrs)
The second one is a new commit to the Gurobi package adding a compute_conflict
function. However, altough the new function appears to be on the master branch and Gurobi is updated, I can’t access it and it does not show up in my local package files.