Consider loading and solving a model using
using JuMP
import Gurobi
mwe = read_from_file("mwe.mps"; format = MOI.FileFormats.FORMAT_MPS)
set_optimizer(mwe, Gurobi.Optimizer)
set_attribute(mwe, "Method", 2)
set_attribute(mwe, "Crossover", 0)
which shows
primal_status(mwe) # FEASIBLE_POINT::ResultStatusCode = 1
dual_status(mwe) # FEASIBLE_POINT::ResultStatusCode = 1
termination_status(mwe) # OPTIMAL::TerminationStatusCode = 1
has_values(mwe) # true
has_duals(mwe) # true
passing all my (current) checks for a “successful” solve.
However …
objective_value(mwe) # 276039.476076866
dual_objective_value(mwe) # ERROR: Gurobi Error 10005: Unable to retrieve attribute 'ObjBound'
Further checking the objective function, which is just min θ
, shows
objective_function(mwe) # θ
value(objective_function(mwe)) # 277822.2353388086
As far as I see, this result should not fulfill Gurobi’s default tolerances? What seems to be happening is, that Gurobi returns the primal objective value from iteration 29 (c.f. the log below) - which seems to actually be the value of the dual problem, since it’s smaller than the “dual objective” (indicating it being a max
; using PreDual = 0
supports this).
- Why am I getting this value from
instead of2.77822235e+05
(c.f. log, iteration 20, dual objective)? - Is there any way to get an “objective value” that I can guarantee to be an upper bound, instead of it possibly (in this case it’s 0.36% lower than the “true” objective obtained from a numerically stable version of the model) being a lower bound?
does not work here. - Is there any way to catch these kind of instabilities, without parsing the solver log - what’s the most efficient & general approach?
Ad (3): This is a bit complex, because the only visible warning only relates to the large coefficient range - which happens for quite a lot of models a user may construct, without any immediate problems for Gurobi. The Sub-optimal termination
print does not happen with default parameters. Running it with
set_attribute(mwe, "NumericFocus", 3)
set_attribute(mwe, "OptimalityTol", 1e-9)
set_attribute(mwe, "FeasibilityTol", 1e-9)
set_attribute(mwe, "BarConvTol", 1e-16)
results in dual_status(mwe)
returning UNKNOWN_RESULT_STATUS::ResultStatusCode = 8
, but I can’t run every model with 3
as default.
The MWE model file that was used can be found in this gist.
Click to show: Solver Log
Gurobi Optimizer version 11.0.2 build v11.0.2rc0 (linux64 - "Ubuntu 24.04 LTS")
CPU model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-14900K, instruction set [SSE2|AVX|AVX2]
Thread count: 32 physical cores, 32 logical processors, using up to 32 threads
Optimize a model with 212 rows, 31 columns and 5015 nonzeros
Model fingerprint: 0x40fa2628
Coefficient statistics:
Matrix range [2e-10, 1e+07]
Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00]
Bounds range [1e-08, 1e+06]
RHS range [2e+05, 2e+12]
Warning: Model contains large matrix coefficient range
Warning: Model contains large rhs
Consider reformulating model or setting NumericFocus parameter
to avoid numerical issues.
Presolve removed 6 rows and 11 columns
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 25 rows, 231 columns, 4998 nonzeros
Ordering time: 0.00s
Barrier statistics:
Free vars : 2
AA' NZ : 3.000e+02
Factor NZ : 3.250e+02
Factor Ops : 5.525e+03 (less than 1 second per iteration)
Threads : 1
Objective Residual
Iter Primal Dual Primal Dual Compl Time
0 -7.59084551e+13 -1.00000000e-08 6.16e+04 5.55e+10 3.10e+12 0s
1 -6.44069412e+13 3.91607307e+12 1.35e+04 7.59e+09 8.76e+11 0s
2 -5.73215351e+12 3.82831051e+12 8.17e+02 2.40e+08 7.27e+10 0s
3 -2.08311071e+12 1.28780638e+12 1.36e+02 3.41e+07 1.82e+10 0s
4 -6.14486535e+11 1.72823434e+09 1.11e-02 4.01e+06 2.51e+09 0s
5 -6.73161146e+08 1.87472648e+08 1.14e-04 9.42e-05 3.50e+06 0s
6 -1.07999480e+06 2.21048401e+06 9.50e-06 2.35e-05 1.34e+04 0s
7 -1.21780429e+05 1.57065824e+06 1.48e-05 2.00e-05 6.90e+03 0s
8 1.36058977e+04 9.80400032e+05 1.19e-05 5.75e-05 3.95e+03 0s
9 1.61971020e+05 4.43101449e+05 1.44e-05 1.28e-05 1.16e+03 0s
10 2.61663385e+05 2.98196976e+05 2.98e-05 4.41e-06 1.64e+02 0s
11 2.73161379e+05 2.80763734e+05 3.10e-06 1.97e-05 3.08e+01 0s
12 2.75010006e+05 2.78937021e+05 1.23e-06 1.06e-05 1.22e+01 0s
13 2.75465037e+05 2.78163248e+05 3.62e-06 3.81e-06 5.80e+00 0s
14 2.75641249e+05 2.77856133e+05 4.87e-06 5.13e-06 3.22e+00 0s
15 2.76030806e+05 2.77837142e+05 7.42e-07 5.60e-06 1.59e-01 0s
16 2.76039271e+05 2.77823529e+05 3.31e-06 3.81e-06 2.23e-02 0s
17 2.76040424e+05 2.77822719e+05 4.99e-06 1.20e-05 1.05e-02 0s
18 2.76041510e+05 2.77822250e+05 1.28e-05 7.63e-06 1.28e-03 0s
19 2.76041593e+05 2.77822266e+05 9.63e-05 6.20e-06 2.67e-04 0s
20 2.76041610e+05 2.77822236e+05 1.19e-05 5.96e-06 1.61e-05 0s
21 2.76041620e+05 2.77822236e+05 9.22e-06 6.44e-06 7.39e-07 0s
22 2.76041609e+05 2.77822234e+05 3.17e-06 5.48e-06 2.00e-07 0s
23 2.76041619e+05 2.77822236e+05 8.66e-06 6.56e-06 1.64e-09 0s
24 2.76041621e+05 2.77822237e+05 1.39e-05 6.20e-06 5.37e-10 0s
25 2.76041610e+05 2.77822234e+05 4.09e-06 1.20e-05 2.79e-10 0s
26 2.76041614e+05 2.77822236e+05 7.55e-06 2.86e-06 9.26e-11 0s
27 2.76041617e+05 2.77822237e+05 3.50e-06 6.68e-06 2.11e-13 0s
28 2.76041613e+05 2.77822238e+05 7.06e-06 5.48e-06 4.26e-14 0s
29 2.76039476e+05 2.77822235e+05 8.27e-06 6.68e-06 8.85e-19 0s
30 2.75442817e+05 2.77822237e+05 7.93e-06 8.23e-06 3.69e-19 0s
Barrier solved model in 30 iterations and 0.00 seconds (0.02 work units)
Optimal objective 2.76039476e+05