Julia Gender Inclusive is running the next “Learn Julia With Us” workshop this Thursday May 12! The workshop is open to anyone who sees their gender as underrepresented in the Julia community. Sign up to attend using this Meetup link. More details below
Thursday, May 12, 2022
Learn Julia with Us: Number Types
Looking to get started with Julia but don’t know where to begin? Learn Julia with us, from the ground up. Together, we’ll go through some of the best materials for learning Julia, starting from the basics. Those with no coding experience, users of other programming languages, and those from non-traditional backgrounds are all very welcome to join!
In this workshop, we’ll focus on numeric types in Julia, like integers and floats. Alongside this, we’ll look at basic arithmetic in Julia and do some (very simple) math. Finally, we’ll create our own user-defined functions and test them out!
Your instructors are two PhD students in linguistics with a background in R and Python. Julia & Kyla also organize R-Ladies Freiburg and teach statistics, so they are especially excited to welcome those who use R for data science, those who come from non-STEM backgrounds, and anyone who wants a judgement-free, encouraging approach to learning programming. The workshop will take place via Zoom and we hope it works for your time zone!
Note: At this time, the workshops are open to anyone who sees their gender as underrepresented in the Julia community. Others are welcome to watch the videos when they are posted to YouTube, which we will link here, and to share the workshops with those who may be interested!