The book will be published soon, and will contain practical applications of the framework we built over the years. If you would like to see an application in a specific area (e.g., agriculture, groundwater, environment, mining, energy), please reach out and we can try to include it in the book.
We don’t know about the book (yet) but the cover is beautiful. Maybe add some info also on how it was constructed.
We are in the process of incorporating reviews from colleagues in industry and from members of the Julia community that kindly accepted the invitation. A first version should be out soon.
We are sharing the first chapters of the book as they can already help the community navigate the vision and ecosystem we built over the years: Geospatial Data Science with Julia
If you feel that something is not clear for a first-time Julia user, please suggest improvements.
Thanks to @bkamins , @Ronis_BR , @ErickChacon , @kylebeggs who are kindly reviewing the first draft, and to other colleagues in industry outside the Julia community for their feedback.
If you would like to support the book, please consider starring it on GitHub: GitHub - JuliaEarth/geospatial-data-science-with-julia: Geospatial Data Science with Julia
The book is attracting many students from different communities who are willing to try Julia now. If you are a new Julia user, please share suggestions to improve the text and help your peers.
The book has been updated to use GeoStats.jl v0.57, which comes with full support for coordinate reference systems (CRS).
Chapter 6 - Map projections is coming next, to conclude the conceptual parts of the book. Will share it here when it is done.
It took more time than expected, but Chapter 6 - Map projections is finally available:
It covers basic concepts such as CRS and datum, but most importantly, it provides practical examples with the Proj
Please feel free to report issues.
Is there an EPUB or PDF version of the book? I’ve meant to get a copy to read on the road and then did not find something “transportable”…
The book is built with Quarto. It supports PDF output, but there is an open issue discussing figure sizes in Julia:
Can you please try the command in your machine to see if it works?
Tried for a couple of hours—starting with the install of quarto on windows.
No progress and I’m out of time. Sorry I cannot help more at this time.
The installation of Quarto is not as straightforward as the installation of Julia.
Feel free to share progress here if you find a solution.
14 Petroleum reservoirs – Geospatial Data Science with Julia is available with a practical application in petroleum reservoir management.
It covers geostatistical clustering and geospatial queries with unstructured meshes, which are very common in this industry.
I would like to thank @moyner for the JutulDarcy.jl reservoir simulator (properly cited) and for his help setting up the simulation results used in the example.
Please feel free to report issues.