I have two questions relating to function names, which don’t affect how anything works just some pretty output.
The first is whether there’s a good way to discover the name of the function which called your function. An attempt like this sometimes gets it right, but sometimes I get “#caller#249” etc, I guess according to which functions got inlined. Is there a better way?
@noinline function myprint(str...)
name = string(stacktrace()[2].func)
println(string(name," says ",str...))
The second question relates to anonymous functions, and the names of variables which contain them. It’s convenient to generate some functions I need something like this:
function gen(n)
(x,y) -> sum((x+n)^y)+n
a = gen(11)
b = gen(22)
c(x,y) = sum((x+33)^y) +33
These control how some data gets processed. I’d like the name of the function used to appear on the plot of the result. I pass it to a function like this:
function foo(data, f::Function)
# do stuff
myprint("all done now, with ",string(f))
foo(44,a) # names function "#1"
foo(55,c) # correctly uses name "c"
Can a function like foo
see the name “a”? Or can gen
somehow attach it?
I suppose I can do this but it seems a bit ugly to use:
function foo(data, fsymb::Symbol)
f = eval(fsymb)
# do stuff
myprint("all done now, with ",string(fsymb))