Is it possible inside a function to retrieve the variable name of an argument to that function in form of a string?
Here my example function to investigate the nature of variables during the degugging phase:
function _DBG_type_and_size(_s_var_name::AbstractString, _value::Any, _is_DBG::Bool)
if _is_DBG
if ~isempty(size(_value))
println(@sprintf("%-60s, type: ", _s_var_name), @sprintf("%20s", typeof(_value)), ",\t value: ", size(_value))
elseif isreal(_value)
println(@sprintf("%-60s, type: ", _s_var_name), @sprintf("%20s", typeof(_value)), ",\t value: ", @sprintf("%.3f", _value))
println(@sprintf("%-60s, type: ", _s_var_name), @sprintf("%20s", typeof(_value)), ",\t size: ", _value)
Now, I wonder if the first argument _s_var_name is a redundant information?
It is not redundant information. Say you define a method f(x) and you call f(y). The body of f(x) has no idea what y is, it had already assigned the associated instance to x for its local use. Instances generally are not reciprocally associated with any variable symbols. Notable exceptions where Symbol(instance) does work: modules, structs, functions (though only named ones would be recognizable).
You could make the call less redundant with a macro. Here’s a rough one: macro varval(var::Symbol) :($(Expr(:quote, var)), $var) end. You can write a call as somefunc(@varval(varname)..., other) to be parsed to somefunc( (:varname, varname)..., other). Doesn’t really save on typing though.
@kristoffer.carlsson The idea is, to reduce the number of inputs of my debugging helper from 3 to 2.
What do you propose?
I have also spent quite some time with the package Logging, but I have not figured out,
how to use it properly for degugging puposes, e.g. what I dislike is the amount of output it
generates, per each output.
The degugging inside visual studio is really frustrating, it is slow and it crashes frequently on my machine.
The reason why the @eval looks fishy is that eval operates in global scope, meaning that you can only use that function to debug global variables. The solution here is really to use a macro, something like
julia> macro _DBG_investigate_variable(var, enabled)
name = string(var)
return esc(:(_DBG_type_and_size($name, $var, $enabled)))
@_DBG_investigate_variable (macro with 1 method)
julia> function f()
bar = [1, 2]
@_DBG_investigate_variable(bar[2], true)
f (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f()
bar[2] , type: Int64, value: 2.000