A few comments
- you create
nz, nk
but then instead often use5, 499
- this problem uses VFI to solve the MOST ROUTINE economics problem (Neoclassical growth model)
Jesus compared MANY languages for this problem here.
There have been a bunch of GSOC/JSOC improving performance for this exact problem in Julia.
Julia does not have a high performance VFI solver like VFIToolkit.m, even though VFI is one of the biggest computational challenges for economists! - You can see VFI & a bunch of other methods here & here
I made the language a bit more generic (at the cost of performance)
using Printf, Statistics, LinearAlgebra;
Base.show(io::IO, f::Float64) = @printf(io, "%.4f", f)
function main()
## (a) ##
# First, set up the given data#
α = 0.261; β = 0.99; δ = 0.0176;
u(c) = log(c);
f(z,k;α=α) = z*(k^α)
con(z,k,kp;δ=δ) = f(z,k) + k*(1 - δ) - kp # makes it slower?
zGrid = [0.9526, 0.9760, 1, 1.0246, 1.0497]
PiZ = [0.9149 0.0823 0.0028 0 0
0.0206 0.9163 0.0618 0.0014 0
0.0005 0.0412 0.9167 0.0412 0.0005
0 0.0014 0.0618 0.9163 0.0206
0 0 0.0028 0.0823 0.9149]
# Next, get the kStar and kL and kH #
kStar = ( (1.0/β - 1.0 + δ) / α )^(1.0 / (α - 1.0))
kL = kStar * 0.85; kH = 1.15 * kStar;
println(kStar); println(kL); println(kH);
# Setting up an 499 points of kgrid #
kGrid = range(kL, kH, 499); println(median(kGrid))
## (b) ##
# First, set up the length variables #
nk = length(kGrid); nz = length(zGrid)
# Make settings for the iteration #
# First, make an array for each z_i #
k′Grid = repeat(kGrid, 1, nz, nk)
kGridMat = permutedims(k′Grid, (3, 2, 1))
k′GridMat = k′Grid .* (con.(zGrid', kGridMat, k′Grid) .> 0)
#k′GridMat = k′Grid .* (kGridMat .^ α .* zGrid' .+ kGridMat .* (1 - δ) .- k′Grid .> 0)
replace!(k′GridMat, 0 => NaN) # k′GridMat[k′GridMat .== 0] .= NaN
logC = u.(con.(zGrid', kGridMat, k′GridMat))
#logC = u.(kGridMat .^ α .* zGrid' .+ kGridMat .* (1 - δ) .- k′GridMat)
replace!(logC, NaN => -Inf) # logC[isnan.(logC)] .= -Inf
# precision and initial distance #
precision = 0.01; distance = 100
# start iteration #
i = 1
V = zeros(nk, nz)
V′ = similar(V)
TV = zeros(1, nz, nk)
VPiZ = similar(V)
logCC = similar(logC)
while distance > precision
mul!(VPiZ, V, transpose(PiZ))
logCC .= logC .+ VPiZ .* β
maximum!(TV, logCC)
V′ .= transpose(reshape(TV, nz, nk))
distance = maximum(j-k for (j,k) in zip(V′,V))
V .= V′
i += 1
# Add one more iteration to find Tk_index
_, k_index = findmax(logCC, dims=1)
mul!(VPiZ, V′, PiZ')
logCC .= logC .+ VPiZ .* β
_, Tk_index = findmax(logCC, dims=1)
# Reviving k-rules from the k_index array #
k′sol = transpose(reshape(k′Grid[Tk_index], nz, nk))
k′sol_prev = transpose(reshape(k′Grid[k_index], nz, nk)) # matrix of previous capital to compare with solutions #
dist_k′sol = maximum(abs(i-j) for (i,j) in zip(k′sol,k′sol_prev))
# answers #
println(i); println(distance); println(dist_k′sol)
@time main()
The world would be better off if there was a generic Julia VFI w/ n-state variables, a generic utility (return/cost) function, and a generic transition function…
Does anyone know why:
k′GridMat = k′Grid .* (kGridMat .^ α .* zGrid' .+ kGridMat .* (1 - δ) .- k′Grid .> 0)
logC = u.(kGridMat .^ α .* zGrid' .+ kGridMat .* (1 - δ) .- k′GridMat)
is faster than the more generic
u(c) = log(c);
f(z,k;α=α) = z*(k^α)
con(z,k,kp;δ=δ) = f(z,k) + k*(1 - δ) - kp
k′GridMat = k′Grid .* (con.(zGrid', kGridMat, k′Grid) .> 0)
logC = u.(con.(zGrid', kGridMat, k′GridMat))