Most performant way to perform matrix and vector calculations in a function

Hi there everone. Currently I have the following function:

function start_constraints(S, B, M, V, R, X, values_matrix, risk_vec)
    for i in 1:S
        for m in 1:M
            values_matrix[i, m] = sum(X[i, j] * V[m][j] for j in 1:B)
        risk_vec[i] = sum(X[i, j] * R[j] for j in 1:B)
    return values_matrix, risk_vec

Which receives some sizes (S and B), a vector of vectors of ints (V) of size B, a vector of ints (R) of size B, a binary matrix X (which has S rows, B columns) and the results are stored in a matrix (values_matrix) that stores the results for each i in S and m in M and a vector of size S.
All of the values are integers. M is a small number (3), the individual entries on V and R are not very large integers (ranging from 20-200).

I am trying to speed up this calculation and have arrived at the following:

function start_constraints_optimized_v3(S, B, M, V, R, X, values_matrix, risk_vec)
    @inbounds for i in 1:S
        risk_vec[i] = 0
        for m in 1:M
            tmp = 0
            @simd for j in 1:B
                tmp += X[i, j] * V[m][j]
            values_matrix[i, m] = tmp

        @simd for j in 1:B
            risk_vec[i] += X[i, j] * R[j]
    return values_matrix, risk_vec

I must say that due to some other parts of the code, values_matrix and risk_vec are “polluted” so thats why they are setted to 0 in this version of the function. I have achieved some gains with this approach, however I am wondering if this is the absolute best I can do. I tried using LoopVectorization but I am doing something wrong because it doesn’t work:

@inline function prepare_values_risk_vec(S, M, values_matrix, risk_vec)
    @inbounds for i in 1:S
        risk_vec[i] = 0
        for m in 1:M
            values_matrix[i, m] = 0
    return values_matrix, risk_vec

function start_constraints_optimized_v4(S, B, M, V, R, X, values_matrix, risk_vec)
    values_matrix, risk_vec = prepare_values_risk_vec(S, M, values_matrix, risk_vec)
    @turbo for i in 1:S
        for j in 1:B
            x_val = X[i, j]
            risk_vec[i] += x_val * R[j]
            for m in 1:M
                values_matrix[i, m] += x_val * V[m][j]
    return values_matrix, risk_vec

Any other performance tips or tricks or a rewrite? I can provide some working values for all of the parameters of the function if needed. Thank you very much!

I have only skimmed your code, so I might be missing something, but why do

instead of using matrix-vector and matrix-matrix BLAS routines
mul!(risk_vec, X, R) and so on?

Secondly, passing the dimensions of the arrays explicitly seems superfluous, when they can be determined with size, but that of course won’t help improve performance, just usability.


Should I then change the structure of my values_matrix? I can’t seem to find how to fit the mul! function in with that. mul! in risk_vec does make the code marginally faster but I assume most gains would be achieved in the values_matrix calculation.

I would try (essentially doing what @skleinbo suggested)

function start_constraints(S, B, M, V, R, X, values_matrix, risk_vec)
    for m in eachindex(V)
        mul!(view(values_matrix,:,m), X, V[m])
    mul!(risk_vec, X, R)
    return values_matrix, risk_vec

This kind of raises the question why V is a vector of vectors and not a matrix in the first place. If V were a vector, we could just do mul!(values_matrix, X, V) without needing any loop.


Thank you very much, that definitely improves performance!
As to why, well I guess I’d have to ask to my version of roughly 2 years ago. I guess I found it more ergonomic at the time to represent some constraints like that and all of my problem instances have been generated with the V parameter as a vector of vectors so I guess it’s too late now to change it.
I will evaluate changing V to a matrix in only this specific context to see if it’s worth it. But that definitely introduces a very good improvement and it’s quite a big step in the right direction. Thank you so much once again.

In the end I rewrote my code to remove the call to this function. After all, the fastest computation is the one you don’t perform at all.