MLJFlux is a lot slower than the same algorithm written in Flux

Disclaimer: I am by no means an expert in Flux, MLJFlux, Julia or even machine learning. I may have done something very stupid without noticing.

I have a neural network classifier written in Flux. It works fine, it gives an accuracy of about 80/81% and gets trained in ~10 minutes on a dataset with 175.000 rows and 30 columns. The problem is that I can’t seem to reach an accuracy of 83+% that a collegue of mine can get using Python (tensorflow or sklearn’s MLPClassifier) on the same dataset. I’ve tinkered with the parameters a lot but I can’t reach the same accuracy. I thought that maybe the problem lies in the fact that Python uses L1 and L2 regulsarisations. But trying to modify the loss function in Flux.jl causes an error (“Mutating arrays are not allowed”, or something along those line). I’ve then added Optimiser(WeightDecay(λ), opt) which, if I understood correclty, is a way to do L2 regulsarisation, but it didn’t change the accuracy I get.

Long story short, thanks to a user here that pointed me to it, I’ve decided to try MLJFlux.jl, which seems to bake everything under the hood, regulsarisation included. The problem is that a neural network classifier built using MLJFlux, with the same parameters as the one built in Flux, seems a lot slower to train, on the very same dataset, and it also seems to perform worst (but I may measure accuracy wrongly).

Running the Flux algorithm on the dataset with 175k rows for 100 epochs, takes about 3-5 minutes, and already it reaches an accuracy of 80%.
Running the MLJFlux algorithm on a limited dataset of 20k rows for 10 epochs (not 100, literally 10), with Holdout’s fraction_train = 0.7, takes a lot longer.

Since I’ve had trouble reading and understaing the docs, I may very well made some mistake in trying to recreate the network I made in Flux.

Here is the code that uses Flux to build the neural network:

using DataFrames, DataFramesMeta, CSV, Alert, ProgressMeter, Plots, Flux
using Flux: onehotbatch, onecold, @epochs, Data.DataLoader, Optimiser
using Chain: @chain
using StatsBase: standardize, ZScoreTransform
using MLDataUtils: splitobs, shuffleobs

function build_model(input, layers, output; activation = relu, use_softmax = true, use_last_activation = false)
	f = []
	in_layer = input

	for out_layer in layers
		append!(f, [Dense(in_layer, out_layer, activation)])
		in_layer = out_layer

	if use_last_activation
		append!(f, [Dense(in_layer, output, activation)])
		append!(f, [Dense(in_layer, output)])

	if use_softmax	
		append!(f, [softmax])


function score_accuracy(X_output, y_output, classes = [1, 0])
	X = onecold(X_output, classes)
	y = onecold(y_output, classes)
	comparison = X .== y
	return sum(a -> a > 0, comparison) / length(comparison)

function run_model(model, loss, opt, X, y, n_epochs, batchsize, λ = 0.0001)
	ps = Flux.params(model)
	loader = DataLoader(
		(X, y),
		batchsize = batchsize,
		shuffle = true

	tol_counter = 0
	prev = loss(X_train, y_train)
	loss_values = []
	acc_train_values = []

	p = Progress(n_epochs, dt = 1)
	generate_showvalues(i, n) = () -> [(:current_epoch, i), (:tot_epochs, n)]
	@alert "Training finished" for i in 1:n_epochs 
		Flux.train!(loss, ps, loader, Optimiser(WeightDecay(λ), opt))

		l = loss(X_train, y_train)
		append!(loss_values, l)
		append!(acc_train_values, score_accuracy(model(X_train), y_train))

		if abs(l - prev) < tol
			tol_counter += 1
			tol_counter = 0

		if tol_counter == iter_tol

		prev = l!(p; showvalues = generate_showvalues(i, n_epochs))

	if tol_counter == iter_tol
		@warn "Terminated due to having reached tol = $tol for $iter_tol times in a row"

	return loss_values, acc_train_values

# PARAMETERS ------------------------------------------------------------------
dataset_frac = 0.7 # fraction of dataset to use for training
hidden_layers = [20, 10, 5]

optimizer = "adam" # "momentum"

loss(a, b) = Flux.Losses.crossentropy(model(a), b)

η  = 1e-3    # Learning Rate (for both `Momentum` and `ADAM` optimizers)
ρ  = 0.99    # Momentum (for `Momentum` optimizer)
β₁ = 0.9     # for `ADAM` optimizer
β₂ = 0.999   # for `ADAM` optimizer
λ  = 0.0002  # L2 regularization term

batchsize = 200

tol = 1e-4
iter_tol = 10

n_epochs = 100
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

filename = raw"E:\Università\2020-2021\Applicazioni di Machine Learning\atlas_data.csv"

df, labels = @chain begin, DataFrame)
	@where(_, :KaggleSet .== "t")
	select(_, Not([:Weight, :EventId, :KaggleSet, :KaggleWeight]))
	select(_, Not(:Label)), @chain _ begin
		select(_, :Label)
		Flux.onehotbatch(_.Label, ["s", "b"])

N_input  = length(names(df))
N_output = size(labels, 1)

opt_dict = Dict([
	("momentum", Momentum(η, ρ)),
	("adam", ADAM(η, (β₁, β₂)))

X = transpose(standardize(ZScoreTransform, Matrix(df)))
X_train, X_test = splitobs(X, at = dataset_frac)
y_train, y_test = splitobs(labels, at = dataset_frac)

model = build_model(N_input, hidden_layers, N_output)

losses, acc_train_values = @time run_model(
acc_train = score_accuracy(model(X_train), y_train)
acc_test  = score_accuracy(model(X_test), y_test)
println("Accuracy on training = $acc_train")
println("Accuracy on testing  = $acc_test")

Here is the code that uses MLJFlux:

using MLJ
using Flux
import MLJFlux
using Random
using Chain: @chain
using DataFrames, DataFramesMeta, CSV
using Alert
using MLDataUtils: splitobs, shuffleobs

mutable struct MyNetwork{F <: Function} <: MLJFlux.Builder
    layers :: Vector{Int64}
	activation :: F
	use_softmax :: Bool
	use_last_activation :: Bool

function, n_in, n_out)
	layers = nn.layers
	activation = nn.activation
	use_softmax = nn.use_softmax
	use_last_activation = nn.use_last_activation

    f = []
	in_layer = n_in

	for out_layer in layers
		append!(f, [Dense(in_layer, out_layer, activation)])
		in_layer = out_layer

	if use_last_activation
		append!(f, [Dense(in_layer, n_out, activation)])
		append!(f, [Dense(in_layer, n_out)])

	if use_softmax	
		append!(f, [softmax])


filename = raw"E:\Università\2020-2021\Applicazioni di Machine Learning\atlas_data.csv"

hidden_layers = [20, 10, 5]

η  = 1e-3
β₁ = 0.9
β₂ = 0.999
λ  = 0.0002
α  = 0.0
batchsize = 200

n_epochs = 10

df = @chain begin, DataFrame)
	@where(_, :KaggleSet .== "t")
	select(_, Not([:Weight, :EventId, :KaggleSet, :KaggleWeight]))

# this is to limit the dataset at 10k rows
df = df[1:20000, :]

y, X = unpack(df, ==(:Label), colname -> true)
N = length(names(X))

X = coerce(X, Count => Continuous)
y = coerce(y, Multiclass)

# this is temporary
X_train = X
y_train = y

NeuralNetworkClassifier = @load NeuralNetworkClassifier

clf = NeuralNetworkClassifier(
    builder = MyNetwork(
    finaliser = softmax,
    optimiser = ADAM(η, (β₁, β₂), IdDict{Any,Any}()),
    loss = Flux.crossentropy,
    epochs = n_epochs,
    batch_size = batchsize,
    lambda = λ,
    alpha = α,
    optimiser_changes_trigger_retraining = false

mach = machine(clf, X_train, y_train)

ev = @alert "Finished" @time evaluate!(
	resampling = Holdout(
		rng = 123,
		fraction_train = 0.7
	operation = predict_mode,
	measure = accuracy

The labels to classify are “s” or “b”. In Flux I transformed those into a Matrix of 0 and 1, while in MLJFlux I left them as is, and I just coerced the data. The compiler gives no warnings, so I suppose this is not the problem, but I may as well point out this difference. Another difference is that in MLJFlux I don’t standardize data, but again, this should matter.


@ultrapoci Thanks for giving MLJFlux a try and for reporting your experiences. It is obvious from your code you have invested some time wrapping your head around the MLJ/MLJFlux API, and put some work into making these tests. Thanks for this!

I’m interested to see why MLJFlux is running more slowly. Others may want to address other issues raised. A slow down is expected, but hopefully not as much as you are reporting, and it would be good to know why. I am opening an issue here.

Can you confirm all features continuous after pre-processing? (It would help to report MLJ.schema(df)).

You are using less data in the MLJFlux case, so one would expect a longer time to to achieve the same out-of-sample loss, and even if you train for ever, probably the loss will be poorer. I know it is some work, but it would be helpful to compare apples with apples to know the two approaches are actually implementing the same algorithm, if not in the same way. Can you compare times and out-of-sample losses for the Flux and MLJFlux experiments on a smaller amount of data? Use a 30% holdout set to get the accuracy of the Flux model. Use all the data for the MLJFlux experiment but set use resampling=Holdout(fraction_train=0.7) in evaluate! as you did above. Give the same seed to GLOBAL_RNG before each experiment. Turn off any observation shuffling between epochs (MLJFlux does not do this yet).

cc @ayush-1506


Hi @ultrapoci, I find it’s easiest to get help when MWEs included relevant data.

For example, I wanted help w/ plotting.
So I created a github repo, and put the data HP_q.csv into this repo.
The instructions to access it are pretty simple:

using CSV, HTTP, DataFrames

# Get Data 
link = ""
r = HTTP.get(link)
df =, DataFrame, missingstring="NA")

Thusly the code in my MWE was fully replicatable.

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I’ve created a repository with a .jl file that includes the model, made in Flux and MLJFlux. Parameters can be set to limit the dataset size and the holdout fraction. I couldn’t really test this thoroughly myself, as the MLJFlux takes a bit to complete. Setting the size to 10k rows made it finish in a few seconds (with an accuracy of 70+%, which is to be expected on a smaller dataset with only 10 epochs), setting it to 20k rows takes way longer. Maybe is has something to do with the batch size. I’ve decided to at least make the script available, in case you wanted to try yourself. In the mean time I’ll be testing when I can to see if I can provide more information. Note that the dataset must be download (link provided in the repo) because it’s around 200mb and Github won’t all me to upload it. I thought of uploading a reduced size version (since I filter some columns and a lot of rows in my script anyway) but I wanted the script to be identical to what I did. Also, I couldn’t find a way to set the GLOBAL_RNG, that is something to be implemented still. But I made sure to avoid shuffling everywhere in the program.

Edit: also, the dataset, after coercion, does contain only Continous values.

Edit2: it just finished running with 10 epochs and 20k rows, here’s the result:

Optimising neural net:100%[=========================] Time: 0:00:59
1242.878333 seconds (262.35 M allocations: 18.717 GiB, 4.61% gc time, 0.01% compilation time)
│ _.measure     │ _.measurement │ _.per_fold │
│ Accuracy @045 │ 0.684         │ [0.684]    │

The @time macro is applied to the whole function that included the loading and building of the model, but these takes 10 seconds at most. Basically the vast majority of the time is spent in training, when in the REPL it shows

[ Info: Training Machine{NeuralNetworkClassifier{MyNetwork{#relu},…},…} @506.

while the optimization part is very short (a minute)