I have created a 3D Quad mesh for my model, created vertices and faces for bottom layer, top layer vertices, now i have to make it 3D, so if i apply the loft command, corner faces are created in the diagonal, issue is the selection of indexes for creating faces, can anyone suggest, how we can customize this index selection. Also, if there is any other way ?
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Hi, with some inpiration of Comodo.jl, I have recently added some 3D meshes capabilities to GMT.jl
You can do the lofts
like this example.
using GMT
s=75; t=linspace(0,2*pi,ns); r=5; x=r*cos.(t); y=r*sin.(t); z=zeros(size(x));
C1=[x[:] y[:] z[:]];
f(t) = r + 2.0.* sin(6.0*t);
C2 = [(f(t)*cos(t),f(t)*sin(t),3) for t in range(0, 2pi, ns)];
C2 = stack(C2)';
FV = loft(C1, C2);
viz(FV, pen=0)
The data is stored in the FV
faces-vertices structure that is more less what one would do in Matlab. But for more complex meshes, and specially interactivity, I suggest you to look to Comodo.jl
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What are linspace()
, loft()
, and viz()
and in what packages are they defined?
I said it was from GMT.jl, but I edited and added that to the post.
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